How brave and courageous is Joe Biden? I think most breathing people will agree, Joe Biden flirts with the line between fool and buffoon on a daily basis but this latest riff connecting the lack of Republican support for Obama's new spending spree to a rise in rape and murder is simply assinine.
This is the tired lie of the left, to say government agencies will solve the ills of society. The left floats the fairytale that the bigger the government, the better, safer, happier your life will be. The truth is, just the opposite is the result of big government but the Joe Bidens of the world would never let on to this. Big government does one main thing, it removes the responsibility for self and shifts it to a faceless, mindless entity. This entity has no personal connection or concern for the individual other than needing the votes of these multitude of dependents to retain big government's power and to continue to grow in it's inefficency and moral void. Spoiler alert, this strategy does not end well for "the individual" or "the people".
The welfare rolls and entitlement programs have grown exponentially under Obama/Biden which is a more valid connection to rising crime rates than lack of police presence yet Biden blames Republicans for the rise in crime. When a person is stripped of personal responsibility, handed the necessities of life and told the government can do for them what they are not equipped and never will be equipped to do for themselves, that in itself is a death sentence to a soul. When "stuff" is handed to anyone with no expectation of repayment, there is something vital that dies within. As handouts become the norm, the end result is a person robbed of dignity poised to rob others in return.
In contrast, when a person, not government, helps out another person, somewhere down the line, the person initially helped feels obligated to return the favor. When the favor is repaid, the person retains their dignity and feels empowered. This basic human exchange is lost whenever government steps in as the broker.
Let's pretend for a moment that more money for more police would solve the crime problem. I would have no problem with government funding this however, the reality is our government takes our money and uses it for unwarranted, unrealistic, unworthy things. Time and time again we hear of millions if not billions of American tax dollars squandered, wasted and yes, stolen by our government. This is why I do not trust government to use my tax money to improve society. The track record cannot be denied. One word, Solyndra.
However, back to Joe's argument for Obama's "Job Bill", it's this spending mentaily which enables the broken system of dependency to continue. This is the cause of rising crime rates, not the lack of police funding. Through the deceitfulness of a Socialist-style regime, more people are being enslaved into the "Hope and Change" of the Hopelessnes of one's abilities and Chains of permanent dependency.
If Joe Biden was genuinely serious about bringing the crime rate down he would be honest with the people he claims to want to protect. He would tell them the truth, that government does not make them better, safer or happier. He would clue them into the secret that their own God-given talents and sheer determination will serve them and lift them up more readily than government ever could. He would tell them that their neighbor is more dependable than the government and if your neighbor helps you, you are to return in kind. He would tell them that no system is perfect and unfortunate things do happen in every human-run society. Government is not all powerful, never will be and never should be depended on to make all things fair. Every Socialist experiment proves this out.
The left is interested in one thing, controlling the masses and keeping the most amount of people under a blanket of dependency of sub-par neccessities. No where in the world has the left been successful in lifting vast numbers of people out of poverty but the left does a marvelous job of keeping everyone equally poor and miserable. Though the message of the left feigns fairness, since when is lack of self-determination and self-responsibility fair?
Fact, the largest percentage of people live above poverty levels in a Capitalist society than in any other societal structure the world has ever experienced. Fact, cronism exists in Capitalism which is unfair but it is light lunch compared to the cronism existing in the Communist and even Socialist systems of the world.
At the end of the day, Joe's outrage at the Republicans is farcical. The rapists and the murders are not swayed by a couple of dollars thrown at a police department. They are swayed by bringing them up in a society that holds them responsible for their own livelihood, that retains their dignity of self, that expects greater things of them than a Socialist/Communist government expects of them. Socialism/Communism has no faith in the human being's ability to do for self and reminds said human being of this on a daily basis. Joe may rail against rape and murder but pushing the dependency on the drug of big government upon the masses, for him, is no crime.
Careful Joe, whom you condemn. At this point your ticket needs every vote it can get. With rants like your latest, the future rapists and murderers may stay home instead of voting this next go 'round.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Joe Biden is Anti-Rape and Murder but Pro-Dependency
Comments by IntenseDebate
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big government,
Joe Biden,
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