Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Damnedsels in Distress

I am a woman who, at one point, saw the merits of abortion.  I, in my secular world view, actually justified abortion as being the merciful thing, saving a baby from being unloved.  Here’s the catch though…the only reason a baby could ever be unloved is because his or her mother has chosen not to love them.  No baby is un-loveable.  It is the person given the gift of carrying that baby who is void of love for whatever reason.  That is the choice they make.  The abortion is merely a symptom of lacking enough love to tackle the harder choice.

I call the women marching for abortion rights Damnedsels in Distress not because I am damning nor can I personally damn anyone. I do honestly believe these women (and men) who support abortion are damning themselves.  Killing your child in the womb is killing yourself on a host of levels.  We must understand this and show mercy.  Many of the marchers in the Women’s March have had abortions and deal with that choice forever in the back of their minds, especially if they chose to have children after their abortion and must look into the living child’s face every day.  Some would say that constant reminder is damnation enough.
The job of the pro-life world is to educate society and help all of these people climb out of the mire of abortion through compassion and understanding.  We must show them that peace will never be theirs as long as they justify abortion, no matter how many others seem to align with them. Throughout history masses of people have been fooled or forced to champion evil acts.  The act of abortion is no different.  It is murder. 

We all rally around saving the rain forests, abandoned dogs, refugees but innocent human life in the womb somehow is disposable.  When did womankind become so disgusted by the mere notion of being a mother? When did pursuing an education or a career or just not being up to it override the role of mother to a new formed life?  Our society touts material pursuits as more valuable than maternal pursuits.   Society casts women who do choose motherhood as women not living up to their potential.  The truth is, the only potential of a person that matters is their potential to love another person.

When a woman is blessed with a new life in her womb (no matter the circumstance that created the life), that experience of growing the life force and then bringing it forth into the world is the zenith of all human acts.  Nothing in all of existence is as sacred and as important to humankind except Christ’s dying on the cross.
But somewhere along the way our society ceased thinking of a baby in the womb as God’s gift.  We started referring to the human being as a blob of cells.  If that same blob of cells were found on Mars we would be hearing the world of science explode with elation at this new life.  Every blob of cells in the womb is new life, a person with a soul that has a mission to fulfill on this earth.

Seeing women wear t shirts proclaiming “I love abortion”, I know I am witnessing a damaged soul whose problems existed well before they chose to kill their baby.  The abortion industry is preying on these women and society is complicit.  I would love for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, especially since the case was based on was a ruse.  The plaintiff, Norma McCorvey, never had an abortion and to this day is a staunch pro-life advocate.  

However, the law is not the problem.  The hearts of American women are.  We must change hearts to save hearts.  We must save the Damnedsels in distress.   This is the task at hand.  Seems impossible but thankfully, with God, all things are possible.  

Monday, January 23, 2017

Faux Feminists March For Freebies

The Women’s March was a confused spectacle.  As a woman who thought this same way 15 years ago, I can personally say these women are foolish, self-absorbed, white elitist, pseudo-intellectual parasites searching for victimhood while claiming independence from and power over cruel American male domination. In the same breath they demand to be completely subsidized and cared for by the government from cradle (if they make it that far without being aborted) to grave.  Dignity and logic were both non-existent in the sea of pink pimple hats.
Real feminism is dead.  American women have lived too long in a country with a government that has coddled them and told them they were not sluts if they sleep with 100 men.  Lower your standards still lower, ladies, please!  That’s the American way.  Take a Gardasil shot that may or may not protect you from a few of the many cancers you can contract while having multiple sex partners.  You go girl!  That’s using your college educated head.  Don’t worry, you are safe to catch STD’s and pass them on as long as you are on oral contraceptives.

None of these geniuses bother to ask the question why abortion numbers are so high if every woman who wants to sleep around is on government funded contraceptives?  We’ve just had 8 years of their guy, Don’t be a Mama, Obama.  We now have more herpes and less babies.  Success!  If these women are so evolved, why does women’s health now revolve around their sex lives more than anything else?  It seems, by the level of desperation for free contraceptives and access to abortion, the left promotes a society of sex slaves where the number one health risk is getting knocked up unintentionally.   What sort of feminists who want control over their bodies are that out of control themselves and unaccountable for their own actions? Feminism is dead.

Not to be in contradiction, just contraception, liberal women are equally obsessed with clean food as is the jargon of white, liberal elites. They shudder if they consume anything other than gluten-free, organic veggie mounds picked by undocumented $15 an hour immigrants who wash them with gloved hands in filtered spring water from Colorado.  Yet these same yoga posing temples of politically correct virtue ingest chemicals that warp their reproductive systems, making their bodies respond in anything but a natural cycle of order. Oommmmm?
Fertility is now treated like a manageable disease.  If the crappy Planned Parenthood contraceptives don’t work, there’s always the snatch and grab they can have done at the local Planned Parenthood outlet.  That’s what these women deem their sacred health care that Donald Trump is so laser focused on taking away. (Straw man alert)  They want the government (American tax dollars) to fully fund their sex slave status while banning anyone from having a choice as to where to send children to school.  I forgot, for many on the left, children are the result of a failure to abort.  The “choice” ended with aborting and does not extend to education.  That’s progressive logic.  Keep the offspring in government schools so they can be molded into the next generation of fruitless sex slaves.

I saw one sign that read, “I want my son’s future partners to have access to safe abortions.”  Liberal motherly love, nothing but the best for their kid’s sex lives.  This is America.  If these are your ideals, fine.  But please do not label what you pursue as “Women’s health”.  Be truthful.  It is “Sexual health”.  Own it.  It’s not Planned Parenthood, it is Planned Selfhood.  Parenthood is God’s doing.  Abortion is something God wants nothing to do with.  And I bet if you polled the babies, they would want to stay clear of it too.  They just can’t march or vote.  So do your nasty thang, girls, but don’t make me pay for it.  A real feminist picks up her own check.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Feign Pain, Slain Cain?

The circus around Herman Cain and his bevy of "beautes" continues.  The media sees fit to cover every sordid detail as if this is news.  How low have we sunk as a society?  None of the allegations have been proven in a court of law, or even brought to a court for that matter.  None of these cases have a shred of physical evidence, no photos, video tape, stained blue dresses, not even viable witnesses to these ancient events yet our media is willing to give the accusers free air time to hold news conferences that announce news conferences!  Talking heads employ utter nonsense while they cavalierly denounce Cain for his mishandling of his own defense.  It is official.  The asylum is being run by the inmates.

Just a couple questions.  What woman who endured the sort of assault Gloria Nocred's client claims, would not have filed charges?  Her excuse was that she was embarrassed.  Give me a break.  That woman never met a set of eyes or camera lens she didn't want to mug for.  Embarrassed is not in her arsenal.  There are women who may well be scared and intimidated by such an incident but that broad is not of that tribe.  My favorite part of her story was when she proclaimed, "you know I have a boyfriend." as if this is why pulling her head toward his crotch is "wrong".  Oh, you have a boyfriend.  Then I won't force you into fallacio.  This is classic crap.

Let's join the fantasy and believe she was really shy back then but since has matured and "grown a pair".  Why would she wait until Cain posed a threat in the presidential race to join forces with Gloria Nocred?  Why wouldn't she make these statements the minute Cain announced his intentions to run if the truth were what she sincerely sought?  She is donning the cloak of courageous victim.  Methinks she's nothing more than a foolish tool willing to sell her soul to the highest bidder.  That's the impression I got from her act.

As for the latest dame to go public from the NRA, that one defies logic.  And is hilarious if it weren't so sad.  She claims Herman sexually harassed her multiple times.  There are wild imaginations and then there's just insanity.  What man with two eyes would look at that pinch faced shrew and even subconsciously have a sexual thought?  That poor creature is dreaming if she believes she has that sort of arousal power over the opposite sex.  I know, that's mean but could we for once deal in facts that we can all see rather than the fantasy of agenda driven, axe grinding, bitter little people?  

In a fair world I'd like to examine in minute detail, the lives of every newscaster, every political pundit, every lawyer and especially each of these accusers and see what interesting tidbits those investigations reveal.  Actually, I could care less what these twits have done in their lives but I just wish the adults would step up in the media and pull the plug on this madness.  If Cain did do this, let facts be brought.  If not, stop wasting the public's time with this concocted soap opera.

Will Cain be slain by these poisonous feckless, fact-less harpies?  All I have to say for our country is this...More Feign, More Pain, No Cain, No Gain. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Joe Biden is Anti-Rape and Murder but Pro-Dependency

How brave and courageous is Joe Biden?  I think most breathing people will agree, Joe Biden flirts with the line between fool and buffoon on a daily basis but this latest riff connecting the lack of Republican support for Obama's new spending spree to a rise in rape and murder is simply assinine.

This is the tired lie of the left, to say government agencies will solve the ills of society.  The left floats the fairytale that the bigger the government, the better, safer, happier your life will be.  The truth is, just the opposite is the result of big government but the Joe Bidens of the world would never let on to this.  Big government does one main thing, it removes the responsibility for self and shifts it to a faceless, mindless entity.  This entity has no personal connection or concern for the individual other than needing the votes of these multitude of dependents to retain big government's power and to continue to grow in it's inefficency and moral void.  Spoiler alert, this strategy does not end well for "the individual" or "the people".

The welfare rolls and entitlement programs have grown exponentially under Obama/Biden which is a more valid connection to rising crime rates than lack of police presence yet Biden blames Republicans for the rise in crime.  When a person is stripped of personal responsibility, handed the necessities of life and told the government can do for them what they are not equipped and never will be equipped to do for themselves, that in itself is a death sentence to a soul.  When "stuff" is handed to anyone with no expectation of repayment, there is something vital that dies within.  As handouts become the norm, the end result is a person robbed of dignity poised to rob others in return.   

In contrast, when a person, not government, helps out another person, somewhere down the line, the person initially helped feels obligated to return the favor.  When the favor is repaid, the person retains their dignity and feels empowered.  This basic human exchange is lost whenever government steps in as the broker.

Let's pretend for a moment that more money for more police would solve the crime problem.  I would have no problem with government funding this however, the reality is our government takes our money and uses it for unwarranted, unrealistic, unworthy things.  Time and time again we hear of millions if not billions of American tax dollars squandered, wasted and yes, stolen by our government.  This is why I do not trust government to use my tax money to improve society.  The track record cannot be denied.  One word, Solyndra.

However, back to Joe's argument for Obama's "Job Bill", it's this spending mentaily which enables the broken system of dependency to continue.  This is the cause of rising crime rates, not the lack of police funding. Through the deceitfulness of a Socialist-style regime, more people are being enslaved into the "Hope and Change" of the Hopelessnes of one's abilities and Chains of permanent dependency.
If Joe Biden was genuinely serious about bringing the crime rate down he would be honest with the people he claims to want to protect.  He would tell them the truth, that government does not make them better, safer or happier.  He would clue them into the secret that their own God-given talents and sheer determination will serve them and lift them up more readily than government ever could.  He would tell them that their neighbor is more dependable than the government and if your neighbor helps you, you are to return in kind.  He would tell them that no system is perfect and unfortunate things do happen in every human-run society.  Government is not all powerful, never will be and never should be depended on to make all things fair.  Every Socialist experiment proves this out. 

The left is interested in one thing, controlling the masses and keeping the most amount of people under a blanket of dependency of sub-par neccessities.  No where in the world has the left been successful in lifting vast numbers of people out of poverty but the left does a marvelous job of keeping everyone equally poor and miserable.  Though the message of the left feigns fairness, since when is lack of self-determination and self-responsibility fair?

Fact, the largest percentage of people live above poverty levels in a Capitalist society than in any other societal structure the world has ever experienced.  Fact, cronism exists in Capitalism which is unfair but it is light lunch compared to the cronism existing in the Communist and even Socialist systems of the world.

At the end of the day, Joe's outrage at the Republicans is farcical.  The rapists and the murders are not swayed by a couple of dollars thrown at a police department.  They are swayed by bringing them up in a society that holds them responsible for their own livelihood, that retains their dignity of self, that expects greater things of them than a Socialist/Communist government expects of them.  Socialism/Communism has no faith in the human being's ability to do for self and reminds said human being of this on a daily basis.  Joe may rail against rape and murder but pushing the dependency on the drug of big government upon the masses, for him, is no crime.

Careful Joe, whom you condemn.  At this point your ticket needs every vote it can get.  With rants like your latest, the future rapists and murderers may stay home instead of voting this next go 'round. 


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Weiner's Weiner Is Not The Problem

Anthony Weiner has issues with his weiner but his real problem is not sex, his problem is with power.  The level of arrogance and hubris with which he first denied then, via pressure, admitted the acts he performed, is not simply a personal sexual matter between consensual adults as some MSM outlets are spinning.  These acts absolutely reach into his political decision making. 

First, Weiner had no regard for the actual age of the "women" he was engaging.  Weiner is a cosmopolitan person, not some guy in his mother's basement blogging in Lower Slobovia.  He knows full well people can be ANY age on the Internet yet the risk of sexting to a minor was not Weiner's concern.  In fact, at least two of the known women were young enough to be his daughter.  Not a crime, true, but underscores his lack of concern for decency. 

As a Congressman of the United States, Weiner's fleeting satisfaction was all that mattered as he sexted away.  He did not even care that he put his political office in jeopardy of blackmail.  How can Congress not find this recklessness a danger to our country?  Weiner is a man drunk with power.  This is a man who can not control himself on the most basic of levels. 

Weiner is a United States Congressman willing to falsely accuse a citizen of the crime of hacking instead of owning up to his own filth.  If this is how Anthony Weiner handles his "personal junk" how in the world can he be trusted to handle the business of the country? 

What is most disappointing is Weiner's utter lack of dignity.  He hides behind his delusion of being irreplaceable to the people of his district rather than taking responsibility for his vast character flaw.  To truly address his addiction, lack of self-control, lack of self-respect, obsession with body parts and power, he needs to remove himself from public life and get professional help.  That would be the action of a person sincere about changing.  Weiner is not sincere about changing. 

Anthony Weiner remaining in office is the worst thing for the country, his district, his wife and himself.  Anthony Weiner is a power junkie.  Until he is separated from his demon, power, he will never be true to himself or his constituents.  Short of that, Weiner remains whacked. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Morals According To Lefty Liberals

Just a few weeks ago I watched a video on YouTube of a large gathering of White Feminists cheering, applauding, screeching with pride the fact that they had ended unwanted pregnancies by ripping a fetus from their womb.  The American Left not only condones these rallies and celebrations, they want taxpayers to fund such practices.  Make no mention of the fact that the unwanted pregnancies of these "educated, progressive, intellectual" females resulted from UNPROTECTED SEX which they so "smartly" engaged in and intend to do so again and again.  Ah, the dignity in that.  How far the liberated woman has come!  As a white educated woman myself, I watched this video and wanted to puke.  These idiots have twisted the act of sex into some false expression of power, not love, power and take the perverted logic further by saying the destruction of their own progeny is a wonderful thing.  This is beyond pathetic, it is the reality of women's identity hitting rock bottom.

Fast forward to today, May, 2011.  Our liberal president made a good call and ordered the elimination of a thoroughly evil human, Osama bin Laden.  True, at one time, Osama was an innocent in his mother's womb but he, unlike the babies aborted, got the chance to enact his free will.  Sadly, his free will resulted in the deaths of thousands across the globe.  This little fact rendered his innocence invalid long ago.  Yet when Americans gather together and cheer this monster's demise, the American Left is outraged.

Allow me to get this straight...an organized gathering of educated white women, bellowing with a bullhorn, their pride over the accomplishment of the dissection of their fetus is the type of public display championed by the Left.  However, a mixed-race, mix-gendered, spontaneous crowd in Times Square, emoting joy over the death of a mass murdering coward is deemed disgusting, barbaric, VERBOTEN to the evolved sensibilities of the Left.

Oh, I get it now.  It's all about tenure!  Osama had it, babies, not.  Gotta love those unions.

Happy Mother's Day to all you backward sorts who actually allowed your body to be used in such a manner!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chris Christie Is Not Ready To Be President

Chris Christie is absolutely right.  He is not ready to be President of the United States nor will he be ready come 2012.  The fact of the matter is, there is not a human being walking the face of the earth who is READY to be the President of the United States, including Barack Obama.  The world we find ourselves in is perhaps the most dangerous, threatening, fragile circumstance human beings have ever faced.  This is uncharted territory.  The skill set needed to navigate it successfully is not clear.

Currently our country is teetering on the edge of a deadly abyss.  Judging from the direction our current administration is headed, we will have stepped off the edge and be in full free fall by the year 2012.  Christie knows this.  Of course he is not ready to lead a country in mid plummet.  No human being is or will be.   

I liken the role of President of the United States in this era of history to be the same of that as a person with a deadly illness.  Who among us is ready to hear the sentence, "you have cancer"?  Humans are never ready for trials of this magnitude but some humans have the grit to take on the trials.  Some do not.  Some actually feed the diseases they are tasked to defeat.

I see Chris Christie as a man with a multitude of grit.  I believe if there is anyone who is able to grow wings from that grit and fly US back up to safety, able to restore America's emotional, fiscal and social stability, it is Chris Christie. 

True, he, like any human, is not ready for such unknowns.  He is, however, able.  The only real question that must be answered and the one that so often is the key to the survival of a cancer patient...is he willing?  Is Chris Christie willing to battle the cancer?  Is Chris Christie willing to be President of the United States of America?

God willing.