Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Damnedsels in Distress

I am a woman who, at one point, saw the merits of abortion.  I, in my secular world view, actually justified abortion as being the merciful thing, saving a baby from being unloved.  Here’s the catch though…the only reason a baby could ever be unloved is because his or her mother has chosen not to love them.  No baby is un-loveable.  It is the person given the gift of carrying that baby who is void of love for whatever reason.  That is the choice they make.  The abortion is merely a symptom of lacking enough love to tackle the harder choice.

I call the women marching for abortion rights Damnedsels in Distress not because I am damning nor can I personally damn anyone. I do honestly believe these women (and men) who support abortion are damning themselves.  Killing your child in the womb is killing yourself on a host of levels.  We must understand this and show mercy.  Many of the marchers in the Women’s March have had abortions and deal with that choice forever in the back of their minds, especially if they chose to have children after their abortion and must look into the living child’s face every day.  Some would say that constant reminder is damnation enough.
The job of the pro-life world is to educate society and help all of these people climb out of the mire of abortion through compassion and understanding.  We must show them that peace will never be theirs as long as they justify abortion, no matter how many others seem to align with them. Throughout history masses of people have been fooled or forced to champion evil acts.  The act of abortion is no different.  It is murder. 

We all rally around saving the rain forests, abandoned dogs, refugees but innocent human life in the womb somehow is disposable.  When did womankind become so disgusted by the mere notion of being a mother? When did pursuing an education or a career or just not being up to it override the role of mother to a new formed life?  Our society touts material pursuits as more valuable than maternal pursuits.   Society casts women who do choose motherhood as women not living up to their potential.  The truth is, the only potential of a person that matters is their potential to love another person.

When a woman is blessed with a new life in her womb (no matter the circumstance that created the life), that experience of growing the life force and then bringing it forth into the world is the zenith of all human acts.  Nothing in all of existence is as sacred and as important to humankind except Christ’s dying on the cross.
But somewhere along the way our society ceased thinking of a baby in the womb as God’s gift.  We started referring to the human being as a blob of cells.  If that same blob of cells were found on Mars we would be hearing the world of science explode with elation at this new life.  Every blob of cells in the womb is new life, a person with a soul that has a mission to fulfill on this earth.

Seeing women wear t shirts proclaiming “I love abortion”, I know I am witnessing a damaged soul whose problems existed well before they chose to kill their baby.  The abortion industry is preying on these women and society is complicit.  I would love for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, especially since the case was based on was a ruse.  The plaintiff, Norma McCorvey, never had an abortion and to this day is a staunch pro-life advocate.  

However, the law is not the problem.  The hearts of American women are.  We must change hearts to save hearts.  We must save the Damnedsels in distress.   This is the task at hand.  Seems impossible but thankfully, with God, all things are possible.