Friday, February 11, 2011

Why America Should Consider Playing the TRUMP Card

Donald Trump spoke at CPAC this week and made a splash.  That's not a surprise.  Trump wouldn't do anything unless it was going to make headlines.  Three years ago, I would have scoffed at the thought of Donald Trump being considered elected to any office, much less President.  But in the last two years so many unthinkables have happened in America, the notion of a President Trump seems almost mundane. 

Never did I think America would be laughed at.  Hated, sure but never laughed at.  The world is playing us for fools and all we seem to be doing is begging for more abuse.  Our current leadership is taking us down a path that could permanently eradicate the American ideals of individual's rights and liberties. 

We "free people" enjoy a mandate for health insurance whether we need it, want it, can afford it.  TSA employees now legally grope honest citizens at will.  Black panthers harass people at polling stations with no consequences and border guards are jailed for roughing up a drug smuggling illegal thug.  A prohibition on one type of light bulb goes into effect while a toxic, dangerous, mercury laden green variety gets forced into American homes.  Of course, technically you still have a choice...candles.  It's good to be free.

To undo all of the damage Obama and the socialist agenda of the last 50 years has done to our country, we need a person of vast experience and zero reason to be a politician.  Enter stage right, Donald Trump.

Though I don't think Trump is a staunch conservative across the board, he is fiscally.  This is key since there is one aspect that needs to be addressed now or better, yesterday.  As Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid!"  As opposed to Obama's more modern liberal, social justice cry of, "It's the stupid economy!" 

Trump knows what to do to resuscitate this gasping free market.  He would put us back in control of the China trade relationship by taxing Chinese goods until they fairly regulated their currency.  He'd open up our country's natural oil and gas reserves causing an instant job boom as well as putting OPEC on notice.  He would keep taxes low and ease corporate regulations allowing profits to rise and jobs created. 

But not all is perfect regarding the Donald.

There are a few things that bug me about Trump:

His cotton candy comb-over
His brash egotistical manner
His insistence that he is always right

Here's what I like about Trump:

His cotton candy comb-over... because he doesn't give a damn, he likes it, so what
His brash egotistical manner... because he backs it up with real accomplishments
His insistence that he is always right...and because of it he will not bend to China, Iran, Korea or any other dictator scum

Several things about Donald Trump are an absolute given.  Donald Trump will not let anything he's associated with financially fail.  He is shrewd, worldly, and determined.  If he is elected President he would never bow to another leader or apologize for America's ways.  He would bring glory back to these United States. Trump will tell us the hard truths of what has to be done without concern about being re-elected. 

Donald Trump does not have my vote yet but he's made me consider it, cotton candy comb-over and all.  Besides, he's really the only possible candidate who could legitimately turn to Barack Obama and say, "You're fired."

By the way, Trump is right.  Ron Paul could never get elected.