Sunday, February 13, 2011

What's In A Name?

Following my recent posting entertaining the idea of Donald Trump as America's next president, I had an interesting conversation with my mother.  I had not gotten her take on "The Donald" before my post but was pleased that her sense of him was the same as mine. 

For anyone who knows my mother, she has been, is, and will always be a person who shoots from the hip.  99.999% of the time I've found her instincts about people to be dead on (at times, to my dismay).

She had thought through the Donald Trump notion to the point of already picking his perfect running mate, that being Col. Allen West, Florida's new Republican Congressman from the 22nd district.  My mom made the case why West would be the ultimate compliment to Trump with West's stellar military service and calm, easy confidence that only a first rate military man is graced with.  The gravitas of this combination would be overwhelming.

The more I thought of this ticket, the more I too believed in it's brilliance.  A Donald Trump/Allen West ticket would reduce an Obama/Biden ticket to little more than Tweedles Dee&Dumber.  The final selling point for me came when I looked up the meaning of both men's names.  Having a brother named "Donald" I was aware of it meaning "great chief".  The word "trump" in the dictionary had several variances of meanings all denoting a win with a trump along with one definition stating trump being a dependable and exemplary person.  So far, so good.

Upon looking up the name "Allen", it too was promising with the simple but poetic meaning of "ROCK".  "West" seemed obvious with it's directional relation to America being the epitome of all things "west" however a certain definition amongst the directional citings jumped out at me.  The definition stated "west" as meaning the noncommunist countries of Europe and America.  I suppose I always assumed that when the term "west" is used but the fact "noncommunist" is specifically used has greater weight in this "progressive" climate of "change" more than ever.  Further down, "west" also relates to the liturgies of or relating to the Roman Catholic or Protestant segment of Christianity.  Coincidence?  That's for Republicans to pick and America to decide.

If there's truth in a name, and Republicans choose two men to run in 2012, one who is a GREAT dependable CHIEF capable of winning over any card played matched with a ROCK that exemplifies all things noncommunist, the Republicans will take the White House and America will take a huge sigh of relief as she is released from the shackles of progressive bondage and restored to being the country where men live the bold ideals of self-responsibility and self-determination once again.