Monday, December 20, 2010

Being Openly Gay In The Military Does Not Equal Being Happy

Keeping up with liberal societal demands and politically correct mores is so difficult.  Women in the military are not to be distinguished as "female" soldiers.  They put their lives on the line just like their male counterparts and want to be addressed simply as "soldier", no gender recognition, please!  But if you are sexually attracted to your own gender then by all means, scream it from the rooftops...Gay soldier, gay soldier, gay soldier... at ease, Ms. Thing.

This whole false issue regarding gays in the military is not about fairness.  It is about diluting the effectiveness of our National Defense.  The left lives in the strangest world where constant self-contradictions really don't matter.  For instance, the left has professors in college classrooms declaring the power of human sexuality, how its effects on our actions and focus are overwhelming and most importantly, involuntary. 

I once had a professor show the class a still shot of an attractive girl just sitting there expressionless.  He asked students in the room to raise their hands if they found her physically pleasing.  Everyone, male and female, raised their hands.  Then he asked if anyone was sexually aroused.  One guy's hand shot up to a roar of laughter.

Next he showed a video of the same girl simply brushing her hair.  She was not doing it in any sort of seductive manner.  Her expression remained neutral as she simply sat there brushing her long dark hair.  The professor asked if anyone now was sexually aroused.  Several male students hesitantly raised their hands.  The video went from the girl with a neutral expression to the girl smiling as she brushed her hair.  More hands went up, including the professor's! 

He apologized for only stimulating the male segment of the class but his point was that the physical reactions to human sexual attraction are totally involuntary, proving the reason why sex sells.  Sexual attraction captivates your attention and takes you to another part of your brain without any effort or control on your part.

Before that experience I didn't KNOW males could be aroused by something as mundane as brushing my hair.  I will admit after that I never brushed my hair in public again.  The mere thought of some strange man having an involuntary sexual response to a non-sexual action truly grossed me out as a young woman.  Now I just laugh at how easily distracted males are by sex.

So, if I'm to take that liberal educator seriously, how can I honestly expect individuals to serve side by side in dangerous situations and deal effectively with physical reactions they have no control over?  In fact, if you've been a human being for any stretch of time (that means you liberals too), you will know that when a person "catches your eye" your focus, no matter what you are doing, changes.  Any traffic cop will attest to the fact that a large number of male drivers in single car accidents are caused by the male watching some girl walk down the street instead of focusing on driving.

On the other side of the gender spectrum, I've witnessed girls basketball teams completely come unraveled when their male classmates show up to watch them play in a game.  The boys' presence made the girls so nervous that a usually rock solid team became a bunch of fumbling, bumbling, giggling twits.  The amazing part was that none of the boys who came were love interests of any of the girls on the team.  They didn't have to be, the mere fact the girls knew these potential dates were there to observe them was enough to put the girls heads everywhere but the game.

Fact: Human sexuality plays a part on one's ability to focus no matter what your orientation.  If someone who is known to be sexually attracted to "your kind" is present, the dynamics change ever so slightly.  In a combat situation, slightly matters. 

Beyond this basic truth about human sexuality, what sort of person signs up voluntarily for the military in order to express their individuality?  Did you not get the memo?  Military service is not a career in the arts.  It's a mission that specifically requires all prospective soldiers to check their individuality at the door.  If a straight person enters the military demanding to leave their hair long and wear t shirts with slogans they personally believe in instead of the uniform fatigues because "that is who they are", they'd be booted out the door day one.

Recently a long serving soldier was indicted for not following orders and sentenced to three years in jail.  He refused to report for duty based on his personal belief that President Obama has not proven that he is an American citizen.  Under that belief, this career soldier did not see Obama's presidential order for him to return to Afghanistan as valid. 

Sorry dude, you are in the military, an order is an order and that is what you signed up for.  Your personal doubts about Obama's birthplace is not up for discussion in a military setting.  This soldier was expressing his political orientation yet his expression was rightly squelched.  As a private citizen he can think what he wants but as a soldier in the United States Military, such personal expressions are detrimental to military morale and chain of command.

Gay soldiers have been in the military since such service began.  Those that serve without needing the acknowledgement of their sexual orientation are the people who truly understand and respect the military mission.  That is why Don't Ask, Don't Tell is legitimate and fair.  The gay soldiers, however, who feel their mode of sexual act defines them to such an extent that it must be made known to all around them strike me as people with an agenda other than military mission success.

And what about the left constantly concerned about how we are viewed by the Muslim world?  Last time I checked, being gay is a grave sin within the tenets of Islam.  Muslims do not believe a person is born gay, they chose it.  In Iran, homosexuals are routinely executed.  I guess that is why Ahmadinejad so confidently proclaimed that they have no homosexual problem in Iran because they don't have homosexuals there.  You got that right Ahmie! 

And so the left trumps up this issue of supporting gay soldiers to serve openly as homosexuals with zero concern how the Muslim world will percieve this?  The left made sure female soldiers did not oversee the prisoners at Gitmo because having a woman oversee them was a personal affront to them.  Will the left see to it no gay soldiers oversee Muslim war prisoners as well?  Which side of that one will you chose oh all-knowing Marxist goons? 

The left is very sensitive to how our military behaves within the Muslim culture, except, I guess when it comes to acts considered by Muslims as sexually deviant and evil.  With this issue, the left brazenly ignores Muslim sensibilities because at the end of the day, the left could care less about Muslim sensibilities unless those sensibilities play into the Marxist goal of weakening America.  Intellectual consistency is not the left's forte and neither is their loyalty to the Islamic world or gays for that matter. 

All things considered, openly gay American military soldiers will result in either morale problems in combat units or an unwritten rule that the openly gay soldiers do not get assigned to combat situations.  As long as the United States Military is a volunteer force, the issue of openly gay soldiers serving is an intellectually dishonest, political leftist ploy meant to harm the United States Military, not enhance it.  That's not pro-gay, that's just sad.

1 comment:

Purple Cow said...

Just can't wait for all the law suits that will be filed for discrimination. Just more work for the damn lawyers.
" I was passed over because I'm gay." I can just hear the whining already!