Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Is Obama A Fairy Godmother Or Fairy Hitman?

And with a swoosh of his magic wand-pen, all people can FINALLY execute their military missions without the huge burden of maintaining personal privacy.  Thank you Fairy GodObama.  This is such a milestone for humanity.  To think how improved military missions will be now that people can openly proclaim their preferences of penile insertion and vaginal stimulation.  AWESOME and oh so important to the job of defending our country. 

I shake my head at this high school drama playing out before me.  Are adults in our society so desperate for affirmation that they will settle for some piece of paper decreeing their personal lives are valid and worthy of announcing such to the immediate world?  Next thing you know, Michelle Obama will tell us that as First Lady, she feels she can only fulfill her duties by letting us all know she prefers bedding Obama on top with arugula on the side.  Since when exactly did a person's private sex acts define their ability to be a soldier, a teacher, a Senator, a First Lady? 

The juvenile rationale for this whole crap about serving openly gay is almost laughable if it weren't so serious for a myriad of reasons.  First and foremost, where does being openly gay fit within a combat setting, on foreign soil where civil rights are non-existent?  When the first openly gay soldier is taken prisoner and asked if he is a homosexual, will he be copping to the classification of "gay and proud" then?

The reality is, no openly gay personnel will be assigned to combat.  That deal was worked out long ago.  However, the fact remains, for our enemy, whether gays in the military are in battle or behind a desk is irrelevant and serves yet as another tool for them in recruiting young Islamist followers in their cause against the GREAT SATAN.  Already the Islamist websites are using acceptance of gays in our military to point out America's debauchery, lack of God's law and poisoned culture that must be defeated at all costs.

What sort of cultural victory has the repeal of DADT truly resulted in?  If the defining aspect of a person and their ability to pursue their career hinges on everyone's knowledge regarding the way they achieve the momentary effect of an orgasm, I suggest that individual has not emotionally matured past adolescence and shouldn't be driving a bus let alone wielding a firearm in combat. 

Much like the teens on Facebook who document every moment of their lives by tweets, profile updates and instant uploads of digital pictures featuring important subjects like picking their noses and feces shaped like Italy, the willingness to relinquish all personal privacy to the world is stunning.  

One has to wonder why the government is so keen on folks openly admitting their sexual practices?  Are the Socialists in our government, the people bent on a Utopian society, truly interested in promoting the validity of a gay lifestyle or is this some other means to a yet undefined end?  In all of the socialist, nationalist societies prior to Obama, the weeding out of deviants and the less productive members of the regimes own ranks were the first order of business upon coming to power. 

Could all this celebration of "sexual transparency" be just a tool to identify the "problems" within their ranks at a later date?  This is exactly what happened in Russia.  Homosexuality was decriminalized after the fall of the Czar only to be RE-criminalized under Joseph Stalin who also saw to it that abortion was criminalized as well.  Stalin said homosexuality was a far-right conspiracy even though the Communist Revolution "supported" homosexual rights in the beginning.  The sentence for having same-sex relations under Stalin was hard labor of at least 5 years.  These laws stayed on the books in Russia until the fall of the USSR.  And the dude hanging on Obama's Christmas tree, sweet, kind, old Mao Tse Tung wasn't a big fan of same-sex stuff either.

So as the gays in the military celebrate their new found public persona, I caution all about your Fairy Godmother.  This may be trite, but it is a saying that too often is right...Be Careful What You Wish For.  And even more careful whom it is granting it.