Sunday, December 19, 2010

How Liberal Cable Food Shows Can Save The Lives Of Endangered Capitalist Pigs

I took a break the other day from the rush of holiday preparations, Christmas choir performances and high school basketball games to simply chill and watch an innocuous food show.  I usually tune into some form of cable news but I'd had it with the Lame Duck Congress chatter and decided to hear about duck con fit and pancake batter instead.

I can't remember if it was a Travel Channel show or Food Network but the topic was the popular trend of Roach Coach food (as I call it).  The show profiled all the different food truck vendors who race around urban centers, developing a loyal following as they offer up some amazingly inventive and apparently profitable edibles.  Though the vendor's politics were not declared outright, the code words and homage given to our current Commander In Chief, made it clear these were young liberal adults long educated under the Marxist philosophy of Utopia Starts With "U".  Little do they realize the correct spelling is Youtopia and it actually begins with "Y"...would you willingly become a slave to the state?

Each young entrepreneurial idealist related their story of how they took their high level college degrees in finance, computer engineering and other obscenely expensive liberal arts endeavors and chucked them out the window for a chance to be in charge of their own destiny.  Hmmm, funny their tenure-soaked college professors didn't mention this option before the tuition checks were all cashed. 

One young man, almost giddy with glee, admitted he now spends close to 80 hours a week working in his food wagon, going on to clarify that it's a much more rewarding, fulfilling endeavor than that 40 hour-a-week office-Hell he left behind.  He boldly declared he would never go back.  Good for him! And actually, VERY good for us.

As I was pleased to hear the spirit of individualism still managing to exist in the hearts of those whose heads have been so thoroughly conditioned with the false realities of social justice, I had to chuckle with pity at these young unwitting individualists still attempting to please the masters of their empty ideology.  To a fault, each made a case for their obliging the rules of the new society by proclaiming the healthy, fresh ingredients they proudly serve up to the masses at reasonable prices. 

I'm sorry, but from what I saw going on in those trucks of good taste, Empress Michelle would never approve of the deep frying techniques, use of real butter and the much too generous portion sizes under her unquestionable rules of food rationing, no matter how much arugula you put on the side. 

The day will come and I believe soon, when these young idealists will recognize who they really are, the offspring of pioneers and free citizens, not the spawn of lowly worker bee serfs.  The veil of social engineering for the greater good will be lifted and these young Americans will then understand the warped realities they've been fed by tainted textbooks, patronizing professors and the lying bastards better known as progressive politicians (both on the right and left).

These callow "Yes We Can"ers will soon encounter the regulations of a socialist utopia that is sure to limit their menus, restrict their fuel allowances, increase their taxes, impose higher license fees, and wreck their dreams, rendering the operation of their business, regulation by regulation, an impossibility.  Of course, our benevolent government may well put them out of their business mercifully quick by squashing their innovations in one legislative swoop. 

Seriously, what's to stop our "know-what's-best-for-you" government from banning all street food, period?  Just like the once dependable fundraiser of the school bake sale and the standard first taste of entrepreneurial bliss, the neighborhood lemonade stand, in places famous for their allegiance to Michellism, government entities have deemed both practices too dangerous, too self-enterprising and too FUN to expose society-at-large to. 

Heaven forbid if any of our young liberal food pushing entrepreneurs give a toy away with their Mexican/Fusion Asian-vibed pulled pork rib burgers on the whole wheat bun!  Why, that's certainly grounds for child abuse in our new, improved, ivy-leagued approved socialist state.  Remember, introducing the concept of homosexuality to kindergartners in the classroom is fine.  In fact, it's the humane thing to do but don't you DARE give those impressionable tots a toy with their non-state sanctioned rationed sustenance.

It's this sort of idiocy that is catching up to the messaging of the left.  The reality of leftist doctrines use to have a big enough lag time that we all could take a step back from our capitalist vantage point on the hill with little recognition of where we actually stood.  Now however, with each step back, there's a noticeable shadow being cast, the shadow of the wall of Marxist "social good".  It use to be a wall far in the distance but now we are close enough that it's height is blocking out the sun.  More and more of us realize with each step back, our land of individual freedom has been eroding beneath our feet. 

We're at a very pivotal point now.  We''ve backed far enough that there's barely a ledge left to stand on.  Our back is up against the wall of Marxist thought.  The tree of liberty is next to us on this eroding cliff but it's roots are now exposed and things are not looking good.  We either go through the socialist gate in the wall and join the One World Land on the other side where personal property, personal responsibility, personal innovation and dreams are non-existent, or somehow utilize our tree of Liberty and construct a bridge, build a signal fire or swing from its branches back to the original land of Freedom we've been backing away from for several generations.

Many are saying it is inevitable that America will morph into socialism...that due to the predictions of chaos and economic troubles coming, the populace will cry out for government to save them.  Some say Capitalism will cease to exist in America within my lifetime.  I absolutely do not agree, and the liberal food truck, granola crunching, dream following, Obama-loving American youth are why. 

I believe there will always be those souls who do need an outside entity to lead them through the stages of their lives, who for one reason or another, perhaps a lack of intelligence, personal will, or possibly genetics, that deem these creatures incapable of survival by their own wits.  I witness the actions of the youths of Europe and I believe they have no innate desire to determine their own destiny.  I believe they have no confidence in their own abilities or those of their peers to make it on their own.  I believe they depend on the Government for their education, their livelihood, their determination of self-worth.   I believe this mindset is so deep seeded within their makeup that, though it pains me to say, based on the profile of their youth, I don't have much hope for the population of Europe to escape the trap of socialism within my lifetime. 

America however, is a different story.  No other country in the history of man has had such a concentration of individualists come together and build a society like the one forged in the first 100 years of the United States of America.  That spirit, though currently masked by materialism and trendy feel-good vapid liberal ideals, is still there in the blood of our people.  There is no other land where oppressed people with the necessary personal drive gene literally risk their lives to this day to come here.  Unlike China, whose people as a whole have never known personal freedom, there are simply too many young idealistic food truck owners, new immigrants and old conservatives that will never take that last step backward, through the gate of socialism and live on the other side of the Marxist wall.

It is true, our youth may ignorantly wear Che shirts and vote for a man who not only has a weak personal history but next to no knowledge of the history forged by the great country he now attempts to govern.  This is all an unfortunate reality but there remains the fortunate reality that the leftist brain trust is forgetting.  True, American youth are easily led via false compliments and by playing off the guilt of their privileged existences but at the end of the day, I truly believe the bulk of misguided American youth will part ways with their European counterparts due to what all Americans have in their bellies, the desire to chart their own destiny.

Like the young liberal food truck owner who tasted the shackles of a paper-pushing, "yes sir, Boss", 40-hour-a-week paycheck and spit it out to take a bite out of a self-determined, 80-hour-work-week slathered in personal satisfaction, this same mindset, that of the American pioneer, will ultimately resist the enslavement of socialism and build that bridge back to our birthright, the land of freedom, the land of the individual, the land of the Fat, Happy, 80-hour-a-week-working, perpetually innovative, Capitalist Pig.

Not only will America's Capitalist Pigs survive, I believe they will in fact, sprout wings and fly, reaching greater heights than we ever dreamed. And with that, I say OINK to the People!!!