Monday, December 6, 2010

If It Weren't For God We'd Be Perfect Already!

With the discovery of an arsenic eating life form, the blogosphere is all abuzz declaring this finding once and for all proves there is NO GOD.  The NO GOD chorus was tuning up anyway since it's the Christmas season.  That's what they do this time of year to promote world harmony.  But this little alien microbe has them singing louder than ever before. 

Somehow, the NO GOD folks conflate this finding with the "in my image" statement, finding the one as disproof of the other.  First, the "in my image" part doesn't refer to physical make up, it's man's ability to think and reason that is in God's image but whatever, if this arsenic-munching bug makes the NO GOD folks happy, all I can THINK is, that's Humanist REASON for the Season. 

Regardless of their glee, Humanists are still in denial about the truth.  Not about whether God exists, which is unprovable, but with their misdirected blame on religion and God for not only hampering man's advancements but truly being the cause of all wars and destruction.  While some ask what planet the arsenic binging bugs are from, I want to know what spaceship dropped these "Humanists" here?  Do they know what "human" means?  

God, religion, guns, drugs, Capitalism, even Satan and Communism, all the main scapegoats for man's failings, ARE NOT TO BLAME for where we are, or aren't.  If I could take a magic wand and erase all these concepts, forces and items from human existence but left man with the same brain and coded drives we all share, I dare say, we'd be at best, in the same place, more likely worse than we are today.

The truth is, Humanists don't have a problem with God, they have a problem with their fellow human.  And one can't get more human than that!  In the guise of wanting harmony through intellectual thought, the Humanists only add to the din of conflict around the world.  In their attempt to prove the backwardness of all people who "believe the myth" the Humanists claim religion impedes science.  None of us wants that!  We all know that science is the key to improving man's existence.

Apparently Humanists don't know or want to know that many Christians, even those especially backward ones called Catholics are the "Fathers" of such areas of science as Modern Chemistry, Modern Algebra, Modern Atomic Theory, and many others.  They obviously are not aware that 35 craters on the moon are named after Jesuit priests who furthered modern science with their findings and that thousands of Catholic scientists have and are advancing man's knowledge in all areas of science to this day.  FYI:  .

Humanists go on to blame all wars on religion.  In my opinion, this is a false argument.  A belief system does not cause destruction from conflict, MAN who hides behind religion causes destruction from conflict.  If it isn't religion, it's Ford vs Chevy, Betty Crocker opposed to Duncan Hines, over-the-top toilet paper hangers against from-the-back-of-the-roll toilet paper hangers.  Man will seek an issue to align against another man, no matter what.

Are humans doomed to always be in conflict?  Yes, it's the way we are designed (or spontaneously hard-wired by pure chance out of thin air).  But conflict does not have to be destructive or disrespectful.  Along with our argumentative nature, we have the power to control our behavior and conduct ourselves in a civil, respectful manner.  Agree to disagree, heard of it?

However, our friends, the Humanists, do not want anyone, anywhere, celebrating the Birth of Christ publicly, never, ever...for the rest of time...that means forever.  To them, I pose the argument that the worship of secularism goes on daily throughout the year.  I am assaulted routinely by slogans, signs, public practices that fly in the face of my personal values.  That is life.  I get it.

The daily brainwashing of secularism is one I've learned to exist with.  In spite of the overwhelming volume of these beliefs and practices forced upon me, I see a way I can live amongst this while staying true to my chosen values and faith.    

One would think eleven months domination of the public square would be sufficient for the NO GOD crowd.  Apparently if one's message is sketchy, it means NO HOLIDAYS, especially during the HOLY DAYS. 

My dear Humanists, scream all you want against God if it makes you feel better.  He can certainly take it.  Like the old Hollywood adage, doesn't matter what they say about you, as long as they're saying something.

And I'm confident, regardless of naysayers, Jews will celebrate Hanukkah and Christians, like me, will merrily celebrate Christmas with family, some old friends, and in my case, some new friends, who strangely requested I add an arsenic dish to the menu (must be lactose intolerant).