Will Chris Christie step up and do the right thing? Dear Lord, I hope so!
I know Christie keeps saying he is not going to run in 2012, that it's not the time for him, that he's working to fix New Jersey first, blah, blah, blah. These rationales in times of stability for an up and coming political leader would be valid but time is not on Christie's side. More importantly, time is not on America's side much less New Jersey's.
Christie said himself that "leadership is not about waiting." So why would he wait to lead his country back from the brink of disaster when he knows he has a needed plan to implement now? He continues to fall back on, "you have to feel it in your heart and mind that you're ready."
Governor Christie, may I have a word in private with you?... Chris, dude, you're sounding like a groom getting cold feet. You are ready! If you want a New Jersey to exist that you would even recognize in the next 10 years, you better snap out of it and be the man. Remember, leadership is not about waiting.
Comb your hair, straighten your bow tie and get the hell out there to the alter where you belong. America is standing at the end of the aisle waiting to walk toward you (and she ain't getting any younger).
Chris, we all heard you. There is no other way to interpret it. Your latest speech was an out and out sincere proposal to America. A long engagement is no longer an option for the old gal and you know it.
I'm a crier, I admit it. But it could well be up to Chris Christie whether my tears are those of joy for a wedding or tears of sorrow at our country's funeral. Do the right thing, Christie. America has picked out the dress she wants to wear for you and I assure you, it's not a black one.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Public Education Schools Me On The Art Of The Shakedown
All of my children are in Catholic schools which is my choice. I am not happy that the government uses my local and state tax dollars to fund public government-engineered education but that is the current law and so, my husband and I elect to pay extra to send our children to a school with discipline, structure, and the open discussion of God.
Recently I went to see my daughter play basketball against a local public high school team. This was on a week night, not a particularly special game, but one thing was different than any of the games I'd attended this season. For the first time I was charged ADMISSION to see a JV Girls high school game with the proceeds going to support this PUBLIC SCHOOL.
Not only did I have to pay admission but so did my other daughter who came to cheer on her sister. There was no student rate for her since she didn't attend public school (though I certainly pay taxes for her to). So now I'm in deep for two admission fees to a JV Girls basketball game. My daughter is a good player, but are you kidding me? Though $10 is not going to keep me from feeding my children this week, it's the principle behind all of this.
To add another objection to this issue, for a public school parent who may well be financially strapped, this admission fee is conceivably hindering their ability to support their child. And the public schools wonder why they have parental participation issues? This is liberal hypocrisy at work, my friends.
To give you an idea of how obscene and shiftless this scam is, one of the mothers from my daughter's team showed up to the public school game with less than TWO MINUTES left to play. She was coming from work and knew she wasn't going to see much, if any of the game but wanted to be there to pick her daughter up so her daughter wouldn't have to return to our school on the team bus. Would you believe the public school wanted to still charge this mother full admission price with less than two minutes to go in the game?
The Catholic high school that my children attend have games going on in their gym all nights of the week and weekends but never, not once, not even during Catholic schools week has admission been charged. Our school is certainly far from being flush with cash yet gouging a parent who wants to see their child play just does not seem right.
What exactly are we getting for our tax dollars? In a time when public schools are getting more funding than they ever have, they resort to parasitic tactics rather than doing what the rest of us do, live within our means. What exactly are these public schools doing with the gobs of money they receive? The gym that I paid $10 to sit in was filthy, and the restrooms could only be described as the Black Hole of Calcutta.
When are we all going to wake up and realize our government is committing grand larceny on We The People? The test score standings in our public schools are horrendous but we pay more. The ideology that is spoon fed to our youth in these institutions borders on intellectual perversion and we pay more. Not all but in far too many of the public schools, students are in physical danger on a daily basis with metal detectors and guards walking the halls, yet we pay more to enable these sorts of environments to continue?
Government has NO BUSINESS in the education of our youth. They've had their chance for several decades. The product they provide simply sucks. We pay more and get less. What is the government's solution? For selfish citizens to give more money to the very people who have mucked this up in the first place? Come on!
Americans, we must take back our schools. When a public school with steady streams of public funds sees fit to charge parents admission to an ordinary sporting event while a privately funded financially lean school doesn't, something stinks in Denmark and it's not the gym socks.
Recently I went to see my daughter play basketball against a local public high school team. This was on a week night, not a particularly special game, but one thing was different than any of the games I'd attended this season. For the first time I was charged ADMISSION to see a JV Girls high school game with the proceeds going to support this PUBLIC SCHOOL.
Not only did I have to pay admission but so did my other daughter who came to cheer on her sister. There was no student rate for her since she didn't attend public school (though I certainly pay taxes for her to). So now I'm in deep for two admission fees to a JV Girls basketball game. My daughter is a good player, but are you kidding me? Though $10 is not going to keep me from feeding my children this week, it's the principle behind all of this.
To add another objection to this issue, for a public school parent who may well be financially strapped, this admission fee is conceivably hindering their ability to support their child. And the public schools wonder why they have parental participation issues? This is liberal hypocrisy at work, my friends.
To give you an idea of how obscene and shiftless this scam is, one of the mothers from my daughter's team showed up to the public school game with less than TWO MINUTES left to play. She was coming from work and knew she wasn't going to see much, if any of the game but wanted to be there to pick her daughter up so her daughter wouldn't have to return to our school on the team bus. Would you believe the public school wanted to still charge this mother full admission price with less than two minutes to go in the game?
The Catholic high school that my children attend have games going on in their gym all nights of the week and weekends but never, not once, not even during Catholic schools week has admission been charged. Our school is certainly far from being flush with cash yet gouging a parent who wants to see their child play just does not seem right.
What exactly are we getting for our tax dollars? In a time when public schools are getting more funding than they ever have, they resort to parasitic tactics rather than doing what the rest of us do, live within our means. What exactly are these public schools doing with the gobs of money they receive? The gym that I paid $10 to sit in was filthy, and the restrooms could only be described as the Black Hole of Calcutta.
When are we all going to wake up and realize our government is committing grand larceny on We The People? The test score standings in our public schools are horrendous but we pay more. The ideology that is spoon fed to our youth in these institutions borders on intellectual perversion and we pay more. Not all but in far too many of the public schools, students are in physical danger on a daily basis with metal detectors and guards walking the halls, yet we pay more to enable these sorts of environments to continue?
Government has NO BUSINESS in the education of our youth. They've had their chance for several decades. The product they provide simply sucks. We pay more and get less. What is the government's solution? For selfish citizens to give more money to the very people who have mucked this up in the first place? Come on!
Americans, we must take back our schools. When a public school with steady streams of public funds sees fit to charge parents admission to an ordinary sporting event while a privately funded financially lean school doesn't, something stinks in Denmark and it's not the gym socks.
Catholic school,
Government education,
Public school,
Sunday, February 13, 2011
What's In A Name?
Following my recent posting entertaining the idea of Donald Trump as America's next president, I had an interesting conversation with my mother. I had not gotten her take on "The Donald" before my post but was pleased that her sense of him was the same as mine.
For anyone who knows my mother, she has been, is, and will always be a person who shoots from the hip. 99.999% of the time I've found her instincts about people to be dead on (at times, to my dismay).
She had thought through the Donald Trump notion to the point of already picking his perfect running mate, that being Col. Allen West, Florida's new Republican Congressman from the 22nd district. My mom made the case why West would be the ultimate compliment to Trump with West's stellar military service and calm, easy confidence that only a first rate military man is graced with. The gravitas of this combination would be overwhelming.
The more I thought of this ticket, the more I too believed in it's brilliance. A Donald Trump/Allen West ticket would reduce an Obama/Biden ticket to little more than Tweedles Dee&Dumber. The final selling point for me came when I looked up the meaning of both men's names. Having a brother named "Donald" I was aware of it meaning "great chief". The word "trump" in the dictionary had several variances of meanings all denoting a win with a trump along with one definition stating trump being a dependable and exemplary person. So far, so good.
Upon looking up the name "Allen", it too was promising with the simple but poetic meaning of "ROCK". "West" seemed obvious with it's directional relation to America being the epitome of all things "west" however a certain definition amongst the directional citings jumped out at me. The definition stated "west" as meaning the noncommunist countries of Europe and America. I suppose I always assumed that when the term "west" is used but the fact "noncommunist" is specifically used has greater weight in this "progressive" climate of "change" more than ever. Further down, "west" also relates to the liturgies of or relating to the Roman Catholic or Protestant segment of Christianity. Coincidence? That's for Republicans to pick and America to decide.
If there's truth in a name, and Republicans choose two men to run in 2012, one who is a GREAT dependable CHIEF capable of winning over any card played matched with a ROCK that exemplifies all things noncommunist, the Republicans will take the White House and America will take a huge sigh of relief as she is released from the shackles of progressive bondage and restored to being the country where men live the bold ideals of self-responsibility and self-determination once again.
For anyone who knows my mother, she has been, is, and will always be a person who shoots from the hip. 99.999% of the time I've found her instincts about people to be dead on (at times, to my dismay).
She had thought through the Donald Trump notion to the point of already picking his perfect running mate, that being Col. Allen West, Florida's new Republican Congressman from the 22nd district. My mom made the case why West would be the ultimate compliment to Trump with West's stellar military service and calm, easy confidence that only a first rate military man is graced with. The gravitas of this combination would be overwhelming.
The more I thought of this ticket, the more I too believed in it's brilliance. A Donald Trump/Allen West ticket would reduce an Obama/Biden ticket to little more than Tweedles Dee&Dumber. The final selling point for me came when I looked up the meaning of both men's names. Having a brother named "Donald" I was aware of it meaning "great chief". The word "trump" in the dictionary had several variances of meanings all denoting a win with a trump along with one definition stating trump being a dependable and exemplary person. So far, so good.
Upon looking up the name "Allen", it too was promising with the simple but poetic meaning of "ROCK". "West" seemed obvious with it's directional relation to America being the epitome of all things "west" however a certain definition amongst the directional citings jumped out at me. The definition stated "west" as meaning the noncommunist countries of Europe and America. I suppose I always assumed that when the term "west" is used but the fact "noncommunist" is specifically used has greater weight in this "progressive" climate of "change" more than ever. Further down, "west" also relates to the liturgies of or relating to the Roman Catholic or Protestant segment of Christianity. Coincidence? That's for Republicans to pick and America to decide.
If there's truth in a name, and Republicans choose two men to run in 2012, one who is a GREAT dependable CHIEF capable of winning over any card played matched with a ROCK that exemplifies all things noncommunist, the Republicans will take the White House and America will take a huge sigh of relief as she is released from the shackles of progressive bondage and restored to being the country where men live the bold ideals of self-responsibility and self-determination once again.
Allen West,
Barack Obama,
Donald Trump,
Friday, February 11, 2011
Why America Should Consider Playing the TRUMP Card
Donald Trump spoke at CPAC this week and made a splash. That's not a surprise. Trump wouldn't do anything unless it was going to make headlines. Three years ago, I would have scoffed at the thought of Donald Trump being considered elected to any office, much less President. But in the last two years so many unthinkables have happened in America, the notion of a President Trump seems almost mundane.
Never did I think America would be laughed at. Hated, sure but never laughed at. The world is playing us for fools and all we seem to be doing is begging for more abuse. Our current leadership is taking us down a path that could permanently eradicate the American ideals of individual's rights and liberties.
We "free people" enjoy a mandate for health insurance whether we need it, want it, can afford it. TSA employees now legally grope honest citizens at will. Black panthers harass people at polling stations with no consequences and border guards are jailed for roughing up a drug smuggling illegal thug. A prohibition on one type of light bulb goes into effect while a toxic, dangerous, mercury laden green variety gets forced into American homes. Of course, technically you still have a choice...candles. It's good to be free.
To undo all of the damage Obama and the socialist agenda of the last 50 years has done to our country, we need a person of vast experience and zero reason to be a politician. Enter stage right, Donald Trump.
Though I don't think Trump is a staunch conservative across the board, he is fiscally. This is key since there is one aspect that needs to be addressed now or better, yesterday. As Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid!" As opposed to Obama's more modern liberal, social justice cry of, "It's the stupid economy!"
Trump knows what to do to resuscitate this gasping free market. He would put us back in control of the China trade relationship by taxing Chinese goods until they fairly regulated their currency. He'd open up our country's natural oil and gas reserves causing an instant job boom as well as putting OPEC on notice. He would keep taxes low and ease corporate regulations allowing profits to rise and jobs created.
But not all is perfect regarding the Donald.
There are a few things that bug me about Trump:
His cotton candy comb-over
His brash egotistical manner
His insistence that he is always right
Here's what I like about Trump:
His cotton candy comb-over... because he doesn't give a damn, he likes it, so what
His brash egotistical manner... because he backs it up with real accomplishments
His insistence that he is always right...and because of it he will not bend to China, Iran, Korea or any other dictator scum
Several things about Donald Trump are an absolute given. Donald Trump will not let anything he's associated with financially fail. He is shrewd, worldly, and determined. If he is elected President he would never bow to another leader or apologize for America's ways. He would bring glory back to these United States. Trump will tell us the hard truths of what has to be done without concern about being re-elected.
Donald Trump does not have my vote yet but he's made me consider it, cotton candy comb-over and all. Besides, he's really the only possible candidate who could legitimately turn to Barack Obama and say, "You're fired."
By the way, Trump is right. Ron Paul could never get elected.
Never did I think America would be laughed at. Hated, sure but never laughed at. The world is playing us for fools and all we seem to be doing is begging for more abuse. Our current leadership is taking us down a path that could permanently eradicate the American ideals of individual's rights and liberties.
We "free people" enjoy a mandate for health insurance whether we need it, want it, can afford it. TSA employees now legally grope honest citizens at will. Black panthers harass people at polling stations with no consequences and border guards are jailed for roughing up a drug smuggling illegal thug. A prohibition on one type of light bulb goes into effect while a toxic, dangerous, mercury laden green variety gets forced into American homes. Of course, technically you still have a choice...candles. It's good to be free.
To undo all of the damage Obama and the socialist agenda of the last 50 years has done to our country, we need a person of vast experience and zero reason to be a politician. Enter stage right, Donald Trump.
Though I don't think Trump is a staunch conservative across the board, he is fiscally. This is key since there is one aspect that needs to be addressed now or better, yesterday. As Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid!" As opposed to Obama's more modern liberal, social justice cry of, "It's the stupid economy!"
Trump knows what to do to resuscitate this gasping free market. He would put us back in control of the China trade relationship by taxing Chinese goods until they fairly regulated their currency. He'd open up our country's natural oil and gas reserves causing an instant job boom as well as putting OPEC on notice. He would keep taxes low and ease corporate regulations allowing profits to rise and jobs created.
But not all is perfect regarding the Donald.
There are a few things that bug me about Trump:
His cotton candy comb-over
His brash egotistical manner
His insistence that he is always right
Here's what I like about Trump:
His cotton candy comb-over... because he doesn't give a damn, he likes it, so what
His brash egotistical manner... because he backs it up with real accomplishments
His insistence that he is always right...and because of it he will not bend to China, Iran, Korea or any other dictator scum
Several things about Donald Trump are an absolute given. Donald Trump will not let anything he's associated with financially fail. He is shrewd, worldly, and determined. If he is elected President he would never bow to another leader or apologize for America's ways. He would bring glory back to these United States. Trump will tell us the hard truths of what has to be done without concern about being re-elected.
Donald Trump does not have my vote yet but he's made me consider it, cotton candy comb-over and all. Besides, he's really the only possible candidate who could legitimately turn to Barack Obama and say, "You're fired."
By the way, Trump is right. Ron Paul could never get elected.
Barack Obama,
Donald Trump,
Ron Paul
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Chick-Fil-A...Anti-Gay? Or "Cheep" Leftist Play?
There is an effort in the leftist circles to make trouble for the successful fast food outfit, Chick-Fil-A. Apparently this company, a private enterprise in the United States of America, is brash enough to promote, of all things, CHRISTIAN VALUES! And it gets worse. One franchise went so far to DONATE some chicken sandwiches to a PRO-FAMILY organization! This must be STOPPED...according to the socialist, atheist, sniveling cowards on the left.
On a daily, perhaps hourly basis, Americans are bombarded with media messages that glorify the gay lifestyle, presenting it as pervasive and as common place as a straight existence. The gay lifestyle is by far the minority practice of sexual orientation but that fact is buried by what is seen and read in the American media.
Ironically, if a person or business has a Christian, Pro-Traditional values bent, THEY are marginalized. They are played as the oddball, out-of-step, backward thinking tool. The American media spin presents Christian values as a small fringe group who are the minority that SHOULD be condemned.
If a private organization like Disney can have "Gay Days" in their parks (which is their right) then a private company like Chick-Fil-A should be just as welcome to promote Christian values and give free sandwiches, corporate sponsorship or scholarships to whomever they chose. When Disney promotes a day for gay people, that does not equate them to being anti-heterosexual, does it?
Chick-Fil-A can promote Christian values and has the freedom to support traditional groups who champion a mother/father family unit WITHOUT being Anti-Gay. Why does the left want to conflate support of tradition as proof of discrimination against gays? Methinks the left can not win if they have to face honest examples of lifestyle choices. The left feigns open-mindedness while in fact being the most suppressive, one-mind, movement there is.
Chick-Fil-A is not a Government agency and has the legal right to be selective where their profits go. Their corporate tax dollars are SURELY going to fund things the company would probably never support like Planned Parenthood but that's the law regarding tax dollars. From what I know, Chick-Fil-A pays their taxes.
The left is against all Government funding of organizations that hold Christian beliefs but if the worship is the religion of secularism, in the world of the hypocritical left, that's okay to take peoples tax money to fund. For pimps and under aged prostitutes, the left offers helpful advice to continue operation. Protection of minors at the hands of pedophiles? Not so much.
The left can squawk all they want against Chick-Fil-A and companies like them but it would be nice if reality were used in their complaints. My first request would be for the left to make up their minds! Are they pro-gay or pro-Islamist extremists? The same left wing activist can be read or heard within the same day backing both causes.
Hello! The two can not be supported by the same person with any amount of intellectual honesty or mental stability. What's next, a ban on all B-B-Q joints since they discriminate against Muslims by daring to serve PORK? This is why I question what is REALLY at the heart of the Left's duplicitous "support" for gays, Islamist extremists, stealth abortion outfits (where minority girls and babies are the number one clients). But remember, the left is always working for the benefit of minorities and women. NOT!
The only thing that is clear is the fact the left is deathly afraid of the Christian message. The left knows as long as a Christian mindset exists to the level it does now, they will never control the masses like the cattle they imagine the masses to be. The left knows that no matter how cool and slick they package their agenda, the juxtaposition of a leftist role model such as Hugo Chavez, Barney Frank, Cindy Sheehan or any of the Hollywood train wrecks du jour, against the lives led by people such as the golfer, David Feherty, actor, Gary Sinise, Florida Congressman, Allen West or South Dakota Congresswoman, Kristi Noem, is a no-win for the left.
Many more people, not all, but a considerable majority of Americans would chose to be like the later than the former. Of course, there are plenty of "Christians" in the public eye who are not so admirable but they are either phonies using the cache of Christian to make money or honest Christians who are struggling with their personal demons (who isn't?) as a celebrity for all to see.
At the end of the day, the left is free to be WRONG when they paint Chick-Fil-A as Anti-Gay. Being wrong is not a crime. Most Americans know that being for Christian values does not equal discrimination against Gays just as pro-Gay action should not be viewed as Anti-Traditional Family. Let the cases for all stances be honestly presented. Free-thinking people will make their own determinations from the facts.
As for me, all this has made me hungry. Chicken sandwich here I come! Of course, if I discover any of the chickens used to make the sandwiches were actually lesbian chickens, I may have to re-evaluate this whole argument. Cluck off!
On a daily, perhaps hourly basis, Americans are bombarded with media messages that glorify the gay lifestyle, presenting it as pervasive and as common place as a straight existence. The gay lifestyle is by far the minority practice of sexual orientation but that fact is buried by what is seen and read in the American media.
Ironically, if a person or business has a Christian, Pro-Traditional values bent, THEY are marginalized. They are played as the oddball, out-of-step, backward thinking tool. The American media spin presents Christian values as a small fringe group who are the minority that SHOULD be condemned.
If a private organization like Disney can have "Gay Days" in their parks (which is their right) then a private company like Chick-Fil-A should be just as welcome to promote Christian values and give free sandwiches, corporate sponsorship or scholarships to whomever they chose. When Disney promotes a day for gay people, that does not equate them to being anti-heterosexual, does it?
Chick-Fil-A can promote Christian values and has the freedom to support traditional groups who champion a mother/father family unit WITHOUT being Anti-Gay. Why does the left want to conflate support of tradition as proof of discrimination against gays? Methinks the left can not win if they have to face honest examples of lifestyle choices. The left feigns open-mindedness while in fact being the most suppressive, one-mind, movement there is.
Chick-Fil-A is not a Government agency and has the legal right to be selective where their profits go. Their corporate tax dollars are SURELY going to fund things the company would probably never support like Planned Parenthood but that's the law regarding tax dollars. From what I know, Chick-Fil-A pays their taxes.
The left is against all Government funding of organizations that hold Christian beliefs but if the worship is the religion of secularism, in the world of the hypocritical left, that's okay to take peoples tax money to fund. For pimps and under aged prostitutes, the left offers helpful advice to continue operation. Protection of minors at the hands of pedophiles? Not so much.
The left can squawk all they want against Chick-Fil-A and companies like them but it would be nice if reality were used in their complaints. My first request would be for the left to make up their minds! Are they pro-gay or pro-Islamist extremists? The same left wing activist can be read or heard within the same day backing both causes.
Hello! The two can not be supported by the same person with any amount of intellectual honesty or mental stability. What's next, a ban on all B-B-Q joints since they discriminate against Muslims by daring to serve PORK? This is why I question what is REALLY at the heart of the Left's duplicitous "support" for gays, Islamist extremists, stealth abortion outfits (where minority girls and babies are the number one clients). But remember, the left is always working for the benefit of minorities and women. NOT!
The only thing that is clear is the fact the left is deathly afraid of the Christian message. The left knows as long as a Christian mindset exists to the level it does now, they will never control the masses like the cattle they imagine the masses to be. The left knows that no matter how cool and slick they package their agenda, the juxtaposition of a leftist role model such as Hugo Chavez, Barney Frank, Cindy Sheehan or any of the Hollywood train wrecks du jour, against the lives led by people such as the golfer, David Feherty, actor, Gary Sinise, Florida Congressman, Allen West or South Dakota Congresswoman, Kristi Noem, is a no-win for the left.
Many more people, not all, but a considerable majority of Americans would chose to be like the later than the former. Of course, there are plenty of "Christians" in the public eye who are not so admirable but they are either phonies using the cache of Christian to make money or honest Christians who are struggling with their personal demons (who isn't?) as a celebrity for all to see.
At the end of the day, the left is free to be WRONG when they paint Chick-Fil-A as Anti-Gay. Being wrong is not a crime. Most Americans know that being for Christian values does not equal discrimination against Gays just as pro-Gay action should not be viewed as Anti-Traditional Family. Let the cases for all stances be honestly presented. Free-thinking people will make their own determinations from the facts.
As for me, all this has made me hungry. Chicken sandwich here I come! Of course, if I discover any of the chickens used to make the sandwiches were actually lesbian chickens, I may have to re-evaluate this whole argument. Cluck off!
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