Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fey Feigns, PBS Strains, Who Gains At Mark Twain's?

Bless her heart, that little Tina Fey.  She tried to simply be funny during the PBS broadcast of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor but apparently her shtick didn't click for the PBS execs.  They claim they cut her speech due to time constraints but anyone with a brain knows they cut Fey's slam on Palin and conservative women in general simply because they are still licking wounds brought on by the Juan Williams fiasco. 

The last thing PBS needs is more evidence they are a media shill for the far left.  And so the left chooses to stifle free speech rather than play by their own ideals.  Tina, did you learn nothing from the human sacrifice of Juan Williams?  The left has no loyalty, no standards, no shame.  Right on cue, movements that tout government enforced social equality for all, predictably resort to cannibalism when their message begins to spell out their actual goals.

Here's what Fey said that PBS didn't "have time" for you to hear:

"And, you know, politics aside, the success of Sarah Palin and women like her is good for all women - except, of course --those who will end up, you know, like, paying for their own rape 'kit 'n' stuff," Fey said. "But for everybody else, it's a win-win. Unless you're a gay woman who wants to marry your partner of 20 years - whatever. But for most women, the success of conservative women is good for all of us. Unless you believe in evolution. You know - actually, I take it back. The whole thing's a disaster."

First off, this lie that the left floated about Palin supporting the payment for rape kits by the victim is rarely corrected.  The truth behind the rape kit story goes back to the Former Police Chief, Charlie Fannon, who served when Palin was Mayor of Wasilla.  Fannon was quoted by two reporters saying he did not think the cost of such kits should be the burden of Wasilla tax payers.  He went on to say he believed the cost should be covered by the criminal.  This part of his opinion on the matter was conveniently left out as is the fact that Sarah Palin, as Mayor, never supported this measure.  I don't fault Fey for continuing this lie, she's but a mindless bot in the army of mindless bots.  Her program does not contain a fact finding ap.  Bless her bot.

This is how the left operates, taking a shred of information and weaving an amazing, colorful, fantastical yarn with it.  Most times the truth is just the opposite of what they claim but facts never stop the minions of the left from obeying the instructions of their masters.

There's no explanation needed for Fey's objection to conservative women's views on gay marriage.  That is a valid aspect to lampoon and depending on a person's opinion, the line either is funny or not.  Fey is good on that score. 

As for the evolution bit, more false insinuation being spewed by the Feybot.  I don't know one conservative, male or female who wants the theories of evolution banned.  On the contrary, conservatives want the THEORIES of evolution as well as the THEORIES of  creationism taught so that children in our public schools have the opportunity to be exposed to all possibilities. 

Teaching only one line of thought is in direct opposition to the definition of a liberal education yet for some reason, the concept of a Creator who possibly designed evolution in the first place, is an idea too scary for the secular left to wrap their heads around as adults let alone exposing the minds of their vulnerable progeny to. 

Questionable theories are spouted constantly.  This will be true till the end of time (if you believe in such a thing).  Our children need to hear truth as well as tripe and be capable themselves in deciding what is what.  Call me crazy, but I thought that was the point of a liberal education, the free exchange of ideas no matter how boring or off the wall.  Why is the left so terrified of hearing opposing viewpoints?  Is it because their arguments suck?

My progeny are exposed to liberal ideals all day, every day.  The difference is I have made a game out of pointing out the liberal propaganda and explaining my reasons why it fails profoundly in helping people.  I lay out my opinions as to how progressive movements serve to enslave the human spirit, not enrich it.  This game has been so successful that my kids are now the ones pointing out liberal themes and explaining the progressive fallacies to me! 

This is why I think PBS should have aired Fey's comments in full.  Either live by your standards or stop claiming you have them.  She won an award that she certainly deserves more than the ones doled out to Obama, Gore, Carter and Yasser Arafat.  Tina Fey has actually made me laugh on occasion.  Those other lefties with awards on their shelves have only made me cry yet the left silences little Tina Fey.  PBS ironically has become the network of Professional Bot Silencers.  So courageous they are.

PBS chopped Juan Williams for going off the left's script partially even though he was actually making a point FOR the left's script.  Now they scrap Fey for speaking directly, verbatim, not one word edited from the progressive left's script. 

Why would they muzzle their minions from both sides of their group?  Is it because the message is finally being clearly deciphered?  Yes, and the control center knows it.  All the high-minded, altruistic code words (social justice, green, hope, change, evolution) are finally being understood for what they actually mean, the loss of an individual's privacy, personal property, personal beliefs, personal liberty, person hood, period.

This is the moment of truth.  The progressive left has never been this close to real world-wide control as they are at this moment in history yet never have they been this close to being completely revealed for who they actually are and what they truly stand for.  Technology is their favorite tool but it may well be their ultimate downfall.  Are you a name or a number?  There will be a moment we will all have to decide which we go by.

Me? "My name is Raymond J. Johnson, Jr. Now you can call me Ray, or you can call me J, or you can call me Johnny, or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me Junie, or you can call me Ray J, or you can call me RJ, or you can call me RJJ, or you can call me RJJ Jr." or you can even call me STUPID...

But don't ever call me 0238590572.
Besides, that number is reserved for little Tina Feybot, anyway.