Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Vote For Irate Pirate PELOSI

This is great news.  My favorite phony Catholic, hypocritical bamboozler of all time is staying in the game.  Nancy Pelosi is taking a page out of Brett Favre's playbook and coming back for one more (plus) season(s).  Apparently having her hat handed to her is no deterrent from power for our girl Nan.  She is going to scrape and scratch for every shred of power she can possibly cling to till the enth hour, so help her... "the word", as she would say.

As a conservative, this is the best news I can hear.  I'd much rather have Hellosi remaining the face of House Democrats than Steady Steny Hoyer.  If Steny were elected minority whip the wind in the sails of conservatives would predictably diminish.  Republicans would still play the role of "push back" to Obama but the tone and energy would be lower and slower.  This is something conservatives can not afford to happen at such a pivotal time.  The visuals for the next two years have to be big.  Pelosi as minority leader would supply the arrogance of purpose that the populace needs to keep seeing.  Americans want calm.  The minute Democrats sound reasonable, as if they will play nice and compromise, many concerned Americans will breathe a sigh of relief and go back to mowing their lawns.  We need the insolence and bold deceitfulness that only Nancy Pelosi can bring. 

Am I calling for conflict and turmoil within our government?  No.  If I thought for one moment that the liberals who now own the Democratic Party were not actually progressives in their favorite costume of sheep's clothing I'd be fine with a Congress that operated with civility and respect.  However, our Democrats have morphed into a brand of Fabian Socialists who use the guise of uplifting the underclass when in fact they want to take down the system as a whole (hurting the weakest of society the most) in order to ultimately rebuild society under their twisted "total control of the masses" scheme.  Their vision of a few smarties shepherding the world population in controlled existence is their ultimate wet dream. 

For progressives, controlling the ignorant population, providing them the mediocre necessities of life from cradle to grave is the humane, evolved, loving thing to do for the big dummies.  Everyone, even backward conservatives, must admit, there's really only a handful of intelligent people in the world.  The rest of the lot are barely able to read the Health Care bill (thank goodness) let alone manage their own existence!  That's why the precious few mental giants need to mother, smother and molest the idiot herds, for their own good, of course.  This is the logic of the current class of American progressives as well as your run-of-the-mill pedophile.  And for this reason, I want bold and brash Nasty Nan to lead their charge.  She's the creepy uncle everyone knows to stay clear of at Thanksgiving.

Some may think I am saying the American people are dim if they need such an obvious red flag waved to keep their motivation alive.  In fact, the American people are not dim, they are industrious, maybe to a fault.  They are individuals inclined to sailing their own ship, mending their own sails, plugging the holes in their own vessel, relying on the notion that all the other captains are doing the same.  However, when pirates invade the waters, captains have to shift attention away from the shape of their ship to the outside threat which proposes to render sailing impossible altogether.  To defeat pirates, all self-sufficient captains must unite as a force to rid the seas of thieves.  The true danger occurs when the pirates begin acting as fellow captains (Steny Hoyer).  The guard goes down, the theiving commences, only on a more stealth basis.

That is why I vote for the swash-buckling antics of Irate Pirate Pelosi.  She will reliably keep all good captain's eyes on the Jolly Obama through the tempest of 2012. Yo-O-Bo and a bottle of Dumb!     


Purple Cow said...

Excellent Analysis!!!
Retain the Old Witch to keep up the heat!

fox junkie said...

You are right on the money

SumNick said...

Well said!!