Thursday, November 11, 2010

Michelle's Taxing Social Agenda with Veterans

When Time Magazine announced, "We Are All Socialists Now" Michelle Obama decided to stretch her social muscles like no other First Lady before.  In true Socialist fashion, Michelle our Belle, at taxpayer's expense, hired a staggering 22 staffers to aid her exclusively in managing her "social agenda".  Four of these valuable human beings are paid over $100,000 each with the other 18 working for a bit more than peanuts.

Judging from history, Michelle Obama's predecessors were real slackers.  Laura Bush only had one social assistant who was paid for out of the Bush family's own pocket.  How gauche!  Hillary only needed 3 assistants, 2 of which exclusively tended to the color coding of her pants suits which is pretty remarkable considering the number of shades of blue she has alone.  Nancy Reagan had one assistant as did Jackie Kennedy, the epitome of style and grace, the gold standard of American First Ladies.  If Michelle Obama is striving to be the anti-Jackie, she's succeeding on that score. 

I realize Michelle's excesses have been highlighted many times before, to no avail.  If anything, criticism of Mrs. Obama results in even more arrogant extravagance and waste on her part.  So why spend my time kavetching about the insipid tax payer-funded spending of our self-important First Lady?  She's not going to change, I know, I know. 

However, on this Veteran's Day, when I heard about 73-year-old Army veteran, Joe Andreuzzi, receiving a FOUR CENT check issued by the U.S. Treasury Department, I could not stop thinking of our patronizing First Lady and her self-serving photo-ops with our Veterans.  I could hear her citing all the benefits she's brought them through the Recovery Act that funded 1,500 temporary jobs for claims processors to speed benefits to veterans like the big FOUR CENTS Joe Andreuzzi received.  Gee, thanks Mrs. Obama.  You really shouldn't have!  I mean that.

I loved hearing Joe's response to the ridiculous check.  Even though he'll be forty cents in the hole, Joe's mailing the FOUR CENTS back to Obama to help pay down the debt.  So much for the efficiency of the Recovery Act!  With all the success Mrs. Obama's efforts have brought, one would expect the First Lady, whose focus on Military Families and Veterans Affairs she personally selected to champion, would be here, in the U.S., honoring our servicemen and women this Veteran's Day.  Instead she's adding to the cost of our elected leader's Asia trip, racking up the tab with her essential 22 member staff in tow.  To be fair, I do have to point out the fact that Mrs. Obama along with Dr. Jill Biden did go out of their way for our military and offer the following heartfelt sentiments via video tape:

Wow, that's powerful stuff.  Per the Obama's "style" they have no problem asking us for our attention, our service, our money, our votes but when it comes to them listening to us, don't hold your breath.  So as I exhale the negativity with my preceding diatribe, I'll inhale with the positive spirit of Joe Andreuzzi and all our other honorable veterans who should be the real focus of all of us this day and everyday as we thank them for their service to our nation.  They may not be paid the salaries of the First Lady's Social (ist) Assistants, but we the people can do right by them in ways Michelle Obama will never understand.