Monday, November 8, 2010

What the Facts Is on the Taxes

Every time I hear a politician or pundit on the left characterize the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts to the "wealthy" as a cost TO THE GOVERNMENT, I cuss a blue streak.  Until the day comes that all citizens have skin in this government funding game, I will remain one foul-mouthed broad.  Sorry kids, keep covering your ears! 

I agree in the concept of taxes to pay for the infrastructure of our country, not a problem but when you read about tax dollars going for items such as studying the sexual arousal in anesthetized female rats (real Dartmouth study with our real tax funding), research and development regarding the use of African-American English, or $168,000 going to Escape Massage Parlor in Midlothian, Virginia, a taxpayer has to wonder how these recipients are worthy of our tax funds?!  Of course, it's always the policemen and firemen whose funding will be first on the chopping block.  Heaven forbid sexy drugged up rats should not have their fun! 

Please, all politicians, cut the crap.  We've delivered our shot across the bow.  For the next two years we will be watching every move you make.  No pulling fast ones on us anymore because we've got your number. OR do we?  Regrettably just this past election I am afraid the crafty politicians scammed the voters of Virginia once again.  Though we were able to oust a few of the weasels this last round, the good people of Virginia made a very bad mistake.  We fell for yet another tax scheme and this one was backed by REPUBLICANS.  Shocking, I know.  NOT.

Two of the three initiatives on Virginia's ballot involved changing our state's Constitution to reduce the taxes of (1) our elderly and (2) our military.  Who wouldn't WANT to give tax breaks to elderly and the military?  Seems like a "no brainer" however the fact is as Rob Schilling noted in his pre-vote warning against these initiatives: ANY CITIZEN EXEMPT FROM PAYING TAXES THAT HIS NEIGHBOR MUST PAY, HAS NO INCENTIVE IN KEEPING THE TAX LOW BECAUSE HE HIMSELF PAYS NONE.  With 2009 showing 47% of ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS paying ZERO Federal Tax, we are setting ourselves up to either run all successful individuals out of the country or render them extinct all together.  The Progressive Tax has brought on the predictable instability that all ponzi schemes produce.  To ADD to this by voting for tax breaks on the elderly and military are only bringing financial collapse to our system all the quicker.  Playing on our emotions is how these thieves always strip our pockets and in the long run, both elderly and military will suffer too. 

As for the third initiative, it too sounded like a good idea...increasing the funding for the state's rainy day fund.  In these days of financial insecurity, the concept of putting money away for emergencies seems right in line with every responsible person's ideals.  WRONG!  Giving more money (our money) to the state to hold for a rainy day is equivalent to asking an arsonist to tend the BBQ.  The state is not a bank, investment fund or a savings account.  The state is not regulated to spend that money per your request.  It has full control in deeming any rainy day it wants as an emergency, and with politicians made of sugar, you know EVERY drop of dew will magically become classified a hurricane by our sweet representatives.

Even though American citizens are undoubtedly waking up and becoming informed, we still have quite a way to go.  Don't be fooled.  Whether it be a Democrat or Republican, if they suggest you give them more money, there's a very good chance it is funding the arousal of rats at the Escape Massage Parlor in Midlothian, VA.

Think twice when governments entice.