Friday, November 5, 2010

What Does Obama Care About?

I've been trying to figure out Obama's story ever since his tone deaf date night with Michelle way back when he was still considered a rock star.  I chalked that particular elitest act up to the fact that the strain of the campaign could easily justify a night of blowing off steam.  The small fact that Obama ran as a man who championed the "have nots" could surely be spared the title hypocrite this one time.  The mere fact that the country was in economic free fall, for pete'sake, it was one date night for the leader of the free world!  Oh, but if only the fllaunting living large lifestyle had only stopped there. 

No, the country then had an outrageous stimulus bill funded from the taxpayers' hide, an obnoxious health care bill rammed down our throat and don't forget the auto bailouts.  Thank goodness we live in America where capitalism determines the winners and losers...not!  Obama and his regime piled that on us all the while taking extravagant vacations to Hawaii, Chicago, Copenhagen to secure the 2016 Summer Olympics for Chicago, NOT, Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace Prize for stuff he MIGHT do as President (talk about HOPE), Florida to look like he was working to stop that mean gushing oil that Bad BP caused, Martha's Vineyard with the first fam, who needed another vacay away from Barack so they went on to Spain and made a big splash there before coming back to that yucky old home in that backward country they rule over.  Life can be so trying when you're an elitest leftist living in America with throngs of complaining Teabaggers who have some crazy notion that they matter. 

So now Barack feels bad.  Not for what he's done to our country, but for himself.  All that GOVERNMENT money spent to turn things around, to get us out of the ditch, to deliver the hope and change has failed.  Our money now has been devalued thanks to the Fed, bringing us all the closer to identifying with the Weimar Republic.  The Chinese are telling us how to be capitalists, the English are moving away from socialist healthcare and the French get tough with Islamist law in their country while we fill the void of being the chumps of the world.  And Obama feels bad that he is misunderstood.  Heaven forbid he realize the thing that is misunderstood is the will of the people! 

A huge shift occured in Washington with this midterm election.  Will it wake our leader up?  Will he see what we see?  Will he care?  Judging by his flying off to India, spending a reported $200 mil A DAY, no, he will not because this man does not have the capacity to care.  I initially thought Obama was an intelligent man with a liberal agenda.  I was right about the liberal agenda but his mental make up is not one of intelligence, it is one of narcissism, the kind of which this country has never seen in a leader except maybe Richard Nixon.  In Nixon's defense, I believe his mental sickness developed later while in power.  Obama came into this presidency a total nut job.  When I think back to the faux presidential seal he had cooked up during the campaign and that embarrasing display he orchestrated after winning the Democratic nomination, with the weird colonnade backdrop, it becomes clear the guy had delusions of granduer way before that over the top Inauguration Day.

Obama jets off to India as our soldiers are in two war zones, mid east peace is in shambles, the U.N. is damning America for Human Rights violations, on our dime, at the invitation of our president as our dollar is sinking, jobs are shrinking, inflation is looming and medical costs are now higher than ever due to his fabulous plan.  The black population is in much worse shape economically than they were under Bush.  Home ownership overall is at an historic low, foreclosures, all time high and Barack Obama tells us he's doing "more than we know".  Do I want to know what more?  Now THAT is a scary thought. 

What bugs me is the fact that any person who takes a job with the CIA or FBI is subjected to a mental evaluation.  WHY isn't EVERY candidate for the Office of President of the United States screened too?  I'm sorry, I've known passionate individuals who were obsessed by their cause.  I've known highly intelligent people who are arrogant and frustrated by the hoi polloi's simple take on life.  And I've known people who are certifiably crazy, out of their gord, nuts.  Of the three groups, Obama fits in with only one.

None of Obama's actions make sense from an intellectual, logical, politically self-preservation stance.  Obama cares about no one, not because he is evil or even selfish.  It's not that sinister.  Simply, Obama just needs a check up from the neck up.  George Soros on the other hand...