Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Soros' One World Order...A 2nd Rate Petting Zoo

As a kid I remember watching Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and getting upset when Marlon Perkins would step aside, allowing nature to take its course.  It seemed wrong to let those baby tigers fend for themselves or the gazelle get taken down by the lion.  Marlon was standing right there!  He could have stopped all the suffering and carnage but instead, he simply filmed for us so we could see the sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes frightening reality of life in the wild. 

Why would such a sweet, kind, knowledgeable man, which Marlon seemed to be, not step in and make all the episodes happy, save all the animals in danger?  My father explained to me that if man gets involved in the process of these animals' survival, he would create far more suffering and destruction than what occurs naturally.  Animals fair best when left alone to find their own food, solve their own dilemmas, stake out their own territory.  Wild animals are happiest minus man's intervention.  I would soon learn this holds true for all of God's creatures.

How many times have we all heard "do not feed the bears"?  Why not?  Because if the bears become dependent on food from humans they lose their hunting instincts, their diets become poor and they actually develop a taste for processed food over the more nutritious wild game.  If a bear does become addicted and dependent, they are more likely to seek out humans, causing danger to people and the bear alike. 

This scenario of dependence holds true for human beings as well.  Think of the riots today in England as well as the ones that happened in Greece and France where people are dependent on the government for their livelihood from cradle to grave.  When 20 somethings are protesting about working till the age of 62, that's a pathetic example of humans with zero self-reliance.  What has become of young people when they beg for authority to provide them their dreams?  Someone has been feeding the bears for far too long.  Now that the tourists have exceeded their limits on their credit cards and have to pack up and go home, the junk food is gobbled and gone, leaving the cubs, hungry, clawing and clueless.

Europe has been plagued with this "all-providing government" mentality for centuries compared to America who has only sipped from the cesspool of dependency at certain points in our short history.  However, as Europe toys with the idea of checking into rehab, America is full steam ahead, morphing into the big government dependency nightmare our forefathers drafted the Constitution to specifically avoid.

Enter George Soros, aka, Gyorgy Schwartz.  This man has a track record of taking down financial systems for the purpose of personally profiting as well as positioning himself to gain control of the markets he prompted to fail.  He's made no secret about his desire to bring on a One World government that he would control and provide the conscience for.  In some warped way, he rationalizes his vision as fair and just, providing all humans on the earth an equal existence.  He's plowed more money than we'll ever know into political campaigns, media outlets, academia and social outreach throughout the world to bring his dream to fruition.

The last piece in his puzzle is the destruction of the United States of America.  He finally managed to get a circus bear into the White House.  He's cracked the whip at the Fed, who obediently flooded the markets with dollars.  And his media pool of trained seals are regurgitating the script he provides on a daily basis.  Does Mr. Schwartz (that translates to "Mr. Black" in English) really want the people of the world to be happy?  No.  His reality of equality for all the humans of the world is no better than the existence of pitiful animals found in a petting zoo. 

Since the beginning of time societies have formed with the authority of the masses in the hands of an unelected few.  Some rulers in this scenario are intelligent, honest men bringing prosperity to that particular society...for a while.  But inevitably in human existence, power is handed off to a jerk or worse, an egotistical madman.  Sure, the dependent masses are treated equally under such a ruler, equally poor.  It's the same old story, one step forward under a good ruler, two steps back under a putz.  The only constant is the fact that the masses are kept like caged animals, with little to no ability to determine their own destiny.

Fast forward to the creation of the United States of America.  With its conception, the gates of the petting zoo were flung open.  All of the animals determined to fend for themselves, hoping to thrive or at least die with dignity, flooded this new land of freedom.  It was the first time in history that man was an individual, not a serf.  The ideal was to leave success and failure up to the individual, resulting in a country more amazing than anyone ever imagined.  America became the number one destination for any human with self-confidence and a dream.  Fortunes were made and fortunes were lost but the successes far outweighed the losses.  No where was the standard of living for the majority of the populace this high and growing.

So why wouldn't the rest of the world want to take on freedoms like the United States and offer all of their citizens the opportunity to be a self-sufficient individual member of society?  Because the old entrenched systems of authority knew handing that sort of power over to the masses would mean an end to their cushy positions.  They too would be flung into the race to fend for themselves, no longer riding the backs of the men they owned.

You see, our founding fathers were the first Marlon Perkins.  They respected, revered and had total faith in the abilities of man to survive without a keeper.  Not only did they believe man would survive in the atmosphere of freedom, they imagined man would thrive.  Freedom provides the ability to succeed and fail on one's own, two of the most precious experiences any human can have.  These are the very two experiences a person like George "Sorrows" Black wants to take away from us all.  He has no faith in the individual to conduct their own lives in a free society.  He much prefers us all to reside in his crumby little petting zoo where he can watch us, feed us at prescribed times, keeping him amused and fulfilled, knowing he rules over all the dumb, incompetent creatures of the Big Schwartz Sorosful Kingdom.

Time will tell if Mr. Sorrows will corral the people of the United States.  He's got quite a few eating from his trough already but I believe the wild independent animals still outnumber the dependent progressive menagerie of pets Schwartzie has in his pen.

Word to the herd...bite this hand that feeds you!