Friday, November 19, 2010

Obama's Justice is Just Diss

The civilian trial of Ghailani, the man responsible for the 1998 embassy bombings has concluded, resulting in one guilty count of conspiracy yet NOT guilty of the 224 (12 American citizens) deaths in which his actions brought about.  The Obama Administration touts the trial as a success, claiming proof civilian trials are superior to the military tribunals.  (Don't mind the enormous cost to the American taxpayer civilian trials require compared to the $1.99 a military tribunal would run.)

Obama believes the civilian trial is the venue where the world will see how "JUST" we are yet, in the same breath he'll guarantee these terrorists, especially KSM, will either rot in jail or be executed.  I don't know about you, but to me, that's the definition of a kangaroo court.  For Obama, as long as the "fare" for something costs more, then that makes it "fair". 

Let's see the FAIR a bigger FARE got us on this one...Ghailani's sentence is a minimum of 20 years with a possibility of life ( as well as the POSSIBILITY of freedom in 20 years).  This is the definition of JUSTICE for the Obama White House.  A human, who took 224 innocent lives will be housed, fed and clothed for at least 20 years by the American taxpayer.  Now that's FARE.

What is really obnoxious is the new argument the left is now peddling, claiming Gitmo is a "paradise" for the terrorists held there.  The sooner we try them in civilian court and put them in Federal Prison, the more miserable they will rightly be. Hang on, I thought the issue with Gitmo was it was inhumane in the left's opinion? How can a thinking citizen buy into this tripe?  Or keep up with?  Ah-hah!  I get it.

Knowing the track record of our progressive left which I have kept up with, this monster, Ghailani, will be served meals according to his religious needs, given special treatment to insure his religious practices and access to play the Wii at least an hour a day.  All the while the relatives of the dead must live the next 20 years wondering if this demon will walk free again.  That's not justice, THAT is TORTURE.  Waterboard my ass! 

In Obama's world, enemies are to be respected and given as much opportunity to use our system against us as possible to show how FAIR we are.  In contrast, the relatives of Ghailani's victims are people easy to ignore.  They aren't the sort who will blow others into bits.  Brushing them aside is the right thing to do. 

In Obama's world, good people have too much happiness as it is.  If a couple hundred or thousand (9/11) are wiped out and another couple hundred (thousand) mourn their loss, that's the cost of having a happy existence with loved ones you actually care about.  Obviously, anyone who is a terrorist has lived an unhappy, unloved life.  The fact they destroy the lives of good people means they deserve our utmost respect and support in order to even the score for them and for us. 

This attitude is why Obama sees no problem ignoring the 4th Amendment to our Constitution.  Innocent, good people SHOULD be subjected to having nude images made of them that coat them with dangerous radiation or even better, allowing government thugs to poke, prod, fondle and herd American citizens like cattle to the slaughterhouse. 

The government under Obama can do things to you no policeman, or even doctor can, all in the name of "safety".  Forget the fact that neither the radiation spewing scanners or the roaming hands of the TSA agents can detect explosives hidden in body cavities.  And please don't bring up the reality that the underwear bomber (who is the excuse for all invasive measures now in place) boarded a plane OUTSIDE the country where none of this stupid, sham security measures take place.  

Obama does not value justice only justification of his control over his beloved dumb as dirt fellow citizens.  This American President fancies himself the biggest smarty pants ever.  He understands "good" is easily duped into slavery because "good" will trust long enough to be shackled whereas "evil" is slippery and must be respected, charmed and even aligned with to gain its cooperation. 

Obama will indict America to the U.N., offer full judicial rights to foreign terrorists, devalue America's currency, spend us into debt, tax us numb, physically degrade the populace to the point of self-imprisonment, undermine our military, open the doors for our enemies and has the gall to say this is all for our benefit. 

The only justice for Obama is social justice which will occur when all in his dominion are equal in housing, food, clothing, work...except for the Obamas and probably the Soros too (since Obama sorta owes Sorry-boy, big).  Besides, somebody has to be the Keepers of the ignorant masses.  Keepers always live large by social justice rules.

As Obama sees it, those who used their God-given talents to better their lives will have to give most of their earnings to those who are not able or willing to work for these things.  This is Obama's chosen goal.  In his value set, any act which brings about such a reality is justifiably just.  Hmmm, sort of like the justification of terrorist acts for the "peace" prescribed in the Q'uran.  Nah, that's just crazy talk!

In this new America of Obama, our Lady Justice is not only blind but she's gagged, bound and has the hand of a TSA agent up her skirt.  Obama has dissed what is just for that which is social justice.  Social Justice?  More like social disease if you ask me.