Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thank God for BARACK OBAMA!

On this day before Thanksgiving I find myself taking moments among the frenzied preparations for tomorrow's celebration to stop and reflect on the things that I am so very thankful for.  All the predictable aspects of my life head the list; my family, my faith, good health, etc. 

Beyond my personal reflections, I take a look at the big picture I find myself within. Though these times are shaky and in many cases, difficult and scary, I am thankful for the amazing men who conceived, believed and dared to write our Constitution.  I marvel at their foresight or perhaps their clarity regarding the obvious weaknesses and limitless strengths of human nature. 

The brilliance of our Constitution, with all the safeguards to liberty it insures, is one of, if not the greatest documents of confidence in the talents and goodness of man, the individual not the serf.  This document, since its drafting, has been the bane of all tyrants and men of questionable character.  There have always been forces at work attempting to shred this ideal.  But like no other time before, these enemies of liberty are more visible and bolder than ever ...and not a moment too soon!

Had these forces not kicked into high gear, had they only stood on the sidelines, patiently waiting for the weaknesses of human nature to set in so deep and so thoroughly that the ideal of man's freedom would simply sigh, die, and disappear without a whimper, our fate would have been sealed.  Had that these forces remained stealth, we might all be a little more comfortable this year... and a lot more dead.

Thankfully, these forces came to our rescue.  Yes, our rescue.  They began to assault us to such a degree, they finally, thankfully, shook us from the deep coma of complacency we had all succumbed to.  Without these extreme threats to our founding ideals there would be no Tea Party, no realization, no chance for freedom to survive.

That is why I am truly thankful this Thanksgiving for God's great gift of Barack Obama.  In this one man, all of the aspects of human weakness is personified.  He is our chosen leader and he is US.  When we as Americans look in the mirror, what we see now is Barack Obama.  We see people dependent on bureaucracy to feed us, clothe us, house us, and tell us when to reproduce and die. We see people who whore themselves to the world just to garner a nod of acceptance.  Respect is too good for us now, we are a people prepared to submit to our masters.

We look in the mirror and see a society no longer wanting to be a destination for souls seeking freedom.  Freedom requires personal responsibility, a mantle too mighty for any human, or so says our reflection speaking to us.  He reminds us only government can save the economy (or ruin it), only government can regulate big business (or hijack it), only government can bail out our auto industry (or unionize it into failure), only the government can provide health care (or ration it), only government can negotiate with our allies and enemies (or take it up the ass by so many that no one even wants a piece anymore).

We look in the mirror and see Barack Obama.  Do we Americans recognize ourselves?  Do we like what we see?  Can we get out of bed, wash our face, roll up our sleeves and still get the job done or do we look in the mirror and decide "the hell with it" and go back to bed?  Do we now say, "let the government do it"?

Americans have two choices we all are waking up to today, tomorrow and for all mortal time to we prescribe to the saying, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" or are we still the stock who vowed to "live free or die"? 

This is why I truly am thankful to God for Barack Obama.  Without Obama and his reflection of ourselves, we as a nation never would have come out of the daze of overindulgence to recognize who we've become and ask ourselves if we are a people who even "hope" to "change" anymore. 

I know circumstances must become much worse here and around the world before improvements can occur.  But "make no mistake", only because of Barack Obama, there exists a slim chance that the best of man's spirits will rally in time for triumph.  Man always rises to his highest when faced with adversity.  With that said, the coming years hold opportunity for heights never imagined in dreams... or nightmares.

I firmly believe America always gets the leader she deserves.  Barack Obama is the leader chosen by our collective subconscious to tell us the truth about what we have become.  It is painful to accept we are now a country physically, mentally, socially, morally, spiritually weak.  It is painful to accept the fact WE led ourselves here, not Barack Obama.  That is why all Americans must thank God tomorrow and always for Barack Obama.  He will not lead us out of trouble but he is the reason America has the choice again to live free or die.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.  Thank God for Barack Obama!